Leader Guide

Site: Superbook Academy
Course: King Solomon
Book: Leader Guide
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Saturday, 7 September 2024, 11:04 AM



True wisdom comes from God.


"For the LORD grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 (nlt)

Bible Story:

1 Kings 2:1–4; 1 Kings 3:1–14, 17–28

Superbook Video:

King Solomon

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Hello, everyone! Today, we will watch a new Superbook adventure called “King Solomon.” Solomon’s father was a famous king of Israel named David. One night in a dream, God asked Solomon what he wanted. I think Solomon’s answer will surprise you! Before we learn about Solomon, let’s also see what is happening today with Chris, Joy and Gizmo!

Play Video 2: Chris and Joy’s Dilemma (4 minutes)

Chris and Joy's Dilemma

Chris is in charge of a major exhibit when his father’s most important invention disappears. Can he solve the mystery?

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

The SuperTruth today is: “True wisdom comes from God.” Let’s say that together. “True wisdom comes from God.”

Does that statement sound like there is more than one kind of wisdom?

Yes, I think so too; and we will dig deeper into wisdom to find out soon!

What was the name of the small electronic box that made most of Professor Quantum’s other inventions possible? Mag-Sys.

What was the big responsibility that Chris’ father gave to him at the museum? To be in charge of the final preparations of his father’s exhibit before the guests arrived.

How did Chris react to this challenge? He displayed a prideful attitude about being in charge. He leaned arrogantly against a column as he gave Gizmo tasks to do. He clapped his hands as he ordered the students around.

What happened suddenly that Chris wasn’t ready for? Lightning struck, the power went out, and the Mag-Sys disappeared!

Let’s watch the video and see what Chris chooses to do!

Play Video 3: Bible Story and Resolution (20 minutes)

Bible Story and Resolution

Travel back to ancient Israel as Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to meet King Solomon. Witness the suspense as he is faced with a baffling dilemma—and the surprising way he uncovers the truth. The children discover that true wisdom comes from God.

Play Video 10A: SuperVerse Graphic 1

Graphic loops 3 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 1

“True wisdom comes from God.”

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperVerse today is Proverbs 2:6:

For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Two people needed wisdom in the video; who were they? Chris and King Solomon.

What did Chris learn from King Solomon’s decision with the two women and the baby? God gave King Solomon the wisdom to solve the problem in a way that no one else could.

God grants wisdom! He not only gives us wisdom, He also opens our understanding to help us apply His knowledge and wisdom in our lives.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If younger children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Heavenly Father, You are the source of true wisdom. Help us to seek Your wisdom in all that we do and say. No matter how big the challenges that we may face, You will help us overcome them. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

In Small Group, you’ll play an exciting relay game using a model of the Mag-Sys!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.


Make two copies of the Bible Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Make two copies of the Mag-Sys Pattern in color or black and white.

Make two copies each of the SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2 on cardstock.
Tape the Bible Sign Patterns to the front of the boxes or small, clean trash cans.

Cut, fold and tape the Mag-Sys Patterns according to the instructions.

Cut apart the cards for SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2. Mix them up and place them in one box or trash can. Repeat this for the other set of SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2, then place them in the other box or trash can.

Place the boxes near one end of the room, leaving a few feet between them.

Tape or mark a line on the floor about 15 feet from the boxes.

Why was Chris so nervous about the Mag-Sys being lost? He didn’t want to let his father down and disappoint him. The exhibit would be ruined.

What did Chris do before going to sleep in King Solomon’s palace? He prayed for wisdom.

In addition to praying and asking God directly for wisdom, where can we find true wisdom? In the Bible, from godly people we trust.

Yes, that is what this game is about; the Bible contains true wisdom of God. Players will walk quickly to the team “Bible” box and pull out a card which has a word or words from the SuperTruth and SuperVerse which always contain true wisdom. The players will bring the card back to the team to assemble in order.

Oh wait, walking back and forth sounds a little too easy, doesn’t it! I forgot something. We said you would get to hold a model of Professor Quantum’s Mag-Sys during the game—so watch closely as I demonstrate how to play. Hold a Mag-Sys craft and balance the tennis ball on top as you walk toward a Bible box and take out a card. Then walk back to the line. After you demonstrate, return the card to the box before the game begins.

That will make it a little more fun and challenging for you. Now let’s get started!

Divide the class into two equal teams. If teams are unequal, a player may play twice.

Teams line up behind the line opposite one box at the other end of the room.

Give the first player on each team a Mag-Sys model and a ball.

Start the game by saying, “Go find wisdom!”

The first player on each team walks quickly to their team’s Bible box while balancing the ball on the Mag-Sys model. They can’t use their free hand to steady the ball at any time.

Players then remove a card from the box and travel back the same way.

The next players take the Mag-Sys and ball to repeat the process.

Players place the card on the floor near their team line, putting the cards in order to form the SuperVerse and SuperTruth.

The first team to do this wins!

If a ball falls to the ground at any point, the player must pick it up and continue from that point, no matter where the ball rolled!

Conclusion: Great job getting wisdom! Was it difficult to balance the ball on the Mag-Sys? The Bible is always a reliable source of true wisdom for our lives. Let’s learn more about true wisdom!


Make one copy of the Start Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Make one copy of the Wisdom Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Cut the Wisdom Pattern into three separate signs: “You,” “God’s True Wisdom,” and “World’s Wisdom.”

Tape the “You” Sign to the box with a lid.

Tape the “God’s True Wisdom” sign to one pitcher, and the “World’s Wisdom” sign to the other pitcher.

Use a paper shredder or scissors to cut up the colored paper into confetti, keeping the two colors of paper separate.

Put one color of confetti into the “World’s Wisdom” pitcher, and the other color into the “God’s Wisdom” pitcher.

Place the box and two pitchers on the table with signs toward the children.

Make copies of the Mag-Sys Outside Pattern and the Mag-Sys Inside Pattern; one set per child plus extras.

Make a model of the Mag-Sys craft to display.

Let’s say today’s SuperTruth together: “True wisdom comes from God.”

Read Psalm 111:10:

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey His commandments will grow in wisdom.

Other Bible versions say it this way:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

What do you think the fear of the Lord means? To respect God and submit to Him; to be in awe and wonder of Him; to acknowledge His greatness and holiness.

Yes, we must lovingly serve, respect and honor the Lord as the One True God!

Have you ever played a board game where you start by putting your game piece on the first square of the board?

If we wanted to start on a journey for true wisdom, this would be Square One, where we would start: Fear of the Lord. You can’t skip this square according to God’s instructions! Place the “Start” sign on the floor in front of the children so they can read it, then dramatically step onto the sign.

Today, if you love and serve God, you’ve already got a head start!

Wisdom isn’t just knowledge—it’s the ability to understand and to know what is true and right. It is understanding the best way to apply knowledge in a situation and in your life.

Who asked for the ability to know right from wrong in the Bible story? Solomon.

Good! Solomon asked God for wisdom and the ability to know right from wrong. He wanted to be a fair and righteous judge of God’s people. We need God’s wisdom in doing all God calls us to do, and to follow His ways.

Now, let’s find out about another kind of wisdom that is opposed to God’s wisdom. Please listen carefully so you can answer some questions about the verses after I read them!

Read James 3:13–18:

13 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. 15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. 17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. 18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

As you speak, hold up each pitcher filled with confetti. We learn in this passage that there is God’s wisdom from above, and there is earthly or worldly wisdom that does not come from God.

Remove or open the box lid and slowly begin to pour the confetti from “God’s True Wisdom” pitcher into the open box. This box represents you and me. We want to be filled with God’s true wisdom. What do you remember from the verses about God’s wisdom—what does it contain? Good and pure things like humility, peace, gentleness, a willingness to yield to others, mercy and good deeds, sincerity, and treating people equally.

Very good; God’s wisdom is good for everyone!

Hold up the “World’s Wisdom” pitcher. Can you remember what worldly wisdom can contain? Jealousy, selfishness, bitterness, boasting, lying, disorder, and evil of every kind!

Does that sound like the wisdom you want to build your life on? No!

Close or put the lid on the box. Wise choice! We need to reject this kind of wisdom and never let it enter our minds and heart. Empty out the pitcher of confetti onto the closed box.

Let’s read what you just chose to do! Read 1 Thessalonians 5:21–22 (cev):

21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.

What are some ways that the world gives us information? The internet, phones, television, music, books, magazines, friends, classmates, and teachers at school.

Yes, these are all ways we can get as much information as we can possibly absorb! Everyone seems to be ready to offer advice and opinions. Some of it can be good and some of it can be bad; it can be helpful or harmful. We always need to compare what we hear or see with God’s wisdom to decide if it is true, pure and accurate. Does it agree or disagree with what God says? There is only one true source of wisdom that we can always trust: God’s wisdom from above. We must choose to build our lives on the true knowledge and wisdom God gives us.

King David instructed his son Solomon that if he followed God’s ways, he would have success in all he did and wherever he went. Solomon knew that the Lord was the only source of the true wisdom he needed to lead God’s people. When God is our source for wisdom, we will experience His blessing and success in our lives.

Speaking of wisdom, it’s time for our Discipleship Challenge where you will learn more about God’s wisdom and build your own Mag-Sys model!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Display the model craft. Give each child a Mag-Sys Outside Pattern and a Mag-Sys Inside Pattern, plus children’s scissors, pencils, and tape. Assist the children in carefully punching a hole so they can carefully cut out the window. Have children cut out, fold, and assemble their Mag-Sys models according to the instructions. Have the children write their names on their craft with a pencil. Assist any children with special needs.

Look at all of the Mag-Sys models in the room! You will use this craft for the Discipleship Challenge in our three lessons on King Solomon. In the video, Professor Quantum said that even though the Mag-Sys was small, it was the cornerstone of his life’s work! A cornerstone is an important block or piece of a foundation. Joy was amazed that the little Mag-Sys invention made most of Professor Quantum’s other inventions possible.

This is like God’s wisdom. Read Proverbs 9:10:

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

The fear of the Lord is the cornerstone or foundation of wisdom. On this sure foundation, we can add more wisdom as we build our lives on God and His Word.

Have children open Door 1 of their Mag-Sys models and read the words inside.

The first challenge is about using wise words. Look up and read Proverbs 12:18, then discuss with your family the power of your words and how they can hurt or help others. In addition, you are challenged to pray and ask God to help you use wise words each day! Next time we meet, I’ll ask you what happened when you did that!

Remember, Jesus said that wise people not only listen to His teachings, they must also follow and apply His teachings! (See Matthew 7:24.)


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse in the middle of the board, leaving room at the top to add words. Proverbs 2:6:

For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Let’s say the SuperVerse aloud together. Proverbs 2:6:

For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

What book of the Bible is this verse found in? Proverbs.

Who wrote or collected all the sayings in the book of Proverbs? Solomon.

So, we’re learning something from one of the wisest people who ever lived. Do you think he was saying something very important? Yes!

What does it mean to grant something? To give.

The word grant means to agree to give something to someone. In the verse, what does the Lord agree to give? Wisdom.

Yes; God chooses to freely give us wisdom so we can make wise choices and decisions that are pleasing to Him. Now, where can we find God’s Words that come from His mouth? The Bible is God’s Word.

Yes, when we read the Bible, we are filled with knowledge from God and about Him. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand what we read and guides us in how we can apply His wisdom in our lives.

Can you share a time when you asked God for wisdom to make a choice or decision? Children share.

Let’s read our SuperVerse together one more time from the board. Proverbs 2:6:

For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

First, write these words in random order at the top of the board: Lord, grants, wisdom, His, mouth, knowledge, understanding.

Next, erase those words from the verse.

Read the verse and stop at each space where a word was erased.

Have the children raise their hands to fill in the words. If someone answers incorrectly, call on another child until the correct word is given.

For the second round, erase the words on the top of the board and repeat, stopping at each space and having children supply the missing words from memory.

Conclusion: Great job learning this verse! When King Solomon needed wisdom, he went directly to God, the source of true wisdom—and we can do the same thing every day!

Younger children may not be able to memorize the entire SuperVerse. They may simply repeat it several times, while older children may memorize part or all of it.


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

We are learning about true wisdom today. What did Solomon say is the foundation or beginning of wisdom? The fear of the Lord.

Does the fear of the Lord mean we must hide from God? No, it means to respect and submit to God; to be in awe of Him.

Before King David died, he instructed Solomon to be courageous and follow the ways of the Lord. David told Solomon that if he would do this, God would make him successful in all that he did, and wherever he went. (See 1 Kings 2:4.) Later, the Bible tells us that King Solomon did love the Lord and he followed the decrees of his father. (See 1 Kings 3:3.)

Fearing God and obeying Him is the beginning of all wisdom! When we follow the Lord and seek His direction and wisdom, we can experience success in all we do, wherever we go.

Let’s take some time to pray silently and commit ourselves to love, honor, respect, and serve God. Allow time for children to pray silently.

Close in prayer. Dear God, all true wisdom comes from You. Help us never to trust our own wisdom above Your wisdom. We want to put You first in our lives. We love, honor and respect You and want to obey Your Word. Thank You for Your promise that when we do these things, we will be successful in all we do, and wherever we go. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Buffing Game

  • Buffer Pattern
  • Game Pieces Pattern
  • Cardstock
  • Paper
  • Solid, average-strength craft magnets, about 1" wide; one per child plus extras
  • Metal paperclips; 6 per child plus extras
  • Children’s scissors
  • Child-safe glue that dries quickly
  • Stapler
  • Pencils

Print the Buffer Pattern on cardstock; one per child plus extras.

Print the Game Pieces Pattern on regular paper; one set per child plus extras. (Cardstock may be used for the game pieces if the magnets are strong enough.)

Optional: to save time in class, you may make the crafts ahead of time—one for every 2 or 3 children.

At the beginning of our video today, what tool was Gizmo using to get everything ready for the professor’s big exhibit? A buffer.

A buffer cleans and shines things so they gleam and look new, with no dirt or fingerprints! After the Mag-Sys disappeared, what did Gizmo do when Chris asked him to check for fingerprints? Gizmo found some fingerprints and polished them all off!

Today, we are going to use buffers to get rid of bad things, but we’ll leave the good things in place. Just as Solomon used wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong, we will decide what is right and what is wrong.

If you are not making the crafts ahead of time, pass out all the materials to the children and give these instructions.

To make your Buffer:

First, carefully cut out both pieces of the Buffer Pattern.

Write your name on the back of the buffer circle.

Staple the handle—Piece B—to the buffer circle where shown on the pattern.

Glue a craft magnet to the bottom-center of your buffer and allow it to dry.

While the glue on the buffer is drying, carefully cut out all the game pieces, then clip a small metal paper clip to each one.

To play the game:

Now, shuffle the game pieces and then place them in random order on the table in front of you.

Carefully, slide your hand in between the buffer circle and the handle, with your palm on the buffer circle and the handle over the back of your hand.

Gently wave the buffer over your game pieces, picking up all of the “bad” game pieces and leaving only the “good” game pieces on the table.

Use wisdom to decide which pieces are good or bad!


  • Painters tape or masking tape; or chalk if playing outside
  • Twelve paper plates
  • Marker
  • Sixth grade helper or another volunteer to keep score

Write a large “X” on both sides of five plates for Team 1.

Write a large “O” on both sides of five plates for Team 2.

On each of the two other plates, write “TRUE” on the front and “FALSE” on the back.

Using tape on the floor or chalk on the pavement, create a tic-tac-toe game board like the one in the diagram, with each line measuring about 3 feet long.

Tape or mark a line about 10 feet from the game board as shown in the diagram.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “True wisdom comes from God.”

As we learned today, there are different kinds of wisdom—God’s true wisdom and the wisdom of the world, which is often false. False wisdom doesn’t line up or agree with God’s Word.

In this game, you will each have two chances to help your team! I will ask a true or false wisdom question to the first player on both teams. You decide if what I read is true or false wisdom—then hold up the true or false side of your team’s plate to show me your answer. Hold up the two paper plates that each say True on one side and False on the other.

If one player answers correctly, that player gets two points for the team. Both players then may put an X or O on the board; however, the player who answered correctly gets to choose a square first.

If both players answer correctly, both teams score two points and the two players race by HOPPING to the board. Each player gets to put down a plate—but remember, only one plate can go on a square!

If neither player answers correctly, both teams must remove a plate from the board!

The goal is to get three matching plates in a row—horizontally, vertically or diagonally—just like a normal game of tic-tac-toe. As you explain, put the plates on the board in the corresponding order.

The team that does this first scores five points. The board will then be cleared and we’ll start another round. At the end, we’ll add up all the points to determine the winning team.

Divide the class into two teams and have them stand single-file behind the line. If teams are not even, one player may play twice.

Place the stack of X plates by Team 1 and the stack of O plates by Team 2.

Give the first player on each team a True/False plate.

Read the first question from the list below to both teams.

The first player on each team holds up the plate with the True or False side facing you to show their answers.

Give two points to each team with the correct answer, with a sixth-grade helper or another volunteer keeping score throughout the entire game.

If only one player is correct, that player walks quickly to the game board and places a team plate on the square of their choice, then goes to the back of the team line.

The player who did not score points also walks to the board and places a team plate on the board after the other player is done.

If both players answer correctly, they both score two points. Say, “Get ready to hop; go!”

The players hop to the board to try to be first to put their plate on the square of their choice. Only one plate per square, so the first player gets the square and the second player must choose another square.

True or False Wisdom Questions

  1. True wisdom comes from God. (True)
  2. Always do whatever pleases you. (False)
  3. It’s fine to brag about yourself all you want. (False)
  4. Consider others before yourself. (True)
  5. If you want to be a leader, serve others. (True)
  6. Be kind to others onlyif they can return the favor someday. (False)
  7. It’s okay not to share what you have with others. (False)
  8. Lying is fine if no one finds out. (False)
  9. Be a peacemaker whenever possible. (True)
  10. Be content with what you have and don’t be jealous. (True)
  11. Cheating is okay as long as you don’t get caught. (False)
  12. Show kindness and compassion to others. (True)
  13. Do enough good deeds so you can earn your way into heaven. (False)
  14. You only have to obey your parents when they are watching you. (False)
  15. Be faithful in small things, and God will reward you. (True)
  16. Be generous with others and share what God has given you. (True)
  17. Love your friends and hate your enemies. (False)
  18. Fear people rather than God. (False)
  19. Always be willing to forgive others—even your enemies! (True)
  20. Treat others as you would like to be treated. (True)
  21. Conclusion: God is the source of true wisdom, not the popular opinion of the world. Always make sure the advice others give us lines up with God’s Word! We will find God’s true wisdom in the Bible and the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.

Wisdom Game

  • Bag of 100 multi-color pompoms, ½–1 inch in diameter
  • Toothpicks, one per child
  • Four large plastic bowls
  • Table and two chairs
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk, to keep score
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Sixth grade helper to keep score

Have a sixth grade helper or another volunteer keep score on the board.

Place half of the pompoms (about 50) in one plastic bowl and the other half in a second bowl. There should be a mixture of all colors in both bowls.

Choose 2 colors of pompoms to represent God’s wisdom, such as red and blue. All the other colors will represent the world’s wisdom.

Place two chairs at the table facing the class. Place a bowl of pompoms plus an empty bowl on the table in front of each chair.

We have been discussing how important it is to know the source of true wisdom. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “True wisdom comes from God.”

You may have heard someone say, “You are just too picky.” Maybe you have even told someone this. Well, in this game, your goal is to be picky. And what better way is there to be picky than with a toothpick! Sit down at the table facing the children. Hold up the toothpick and tilt the bowl on the table so children can see the pompoms.

These pompoms represent godly wisdom and false wisdom. Even if others around us may accept false wisdom, it isn’t true wisdom, and we need to reject it as followers of Christ. This is why you need to be picky and only choose God’s wisdom.

Place an empty plastic bowl right-side-up on the top of your head and hold it in place with one hand. Hold a toothpick in your other hand and demonstrate as you speak. You will have1 minute to pick up God’s wisdom which is represented by the {color} and {color} pompoms and place them in your bowl. This represents believing God’s wisdom. All of the other colors are false wisdom. Be picky and don’t pick them up! Each pompom of God’s wisdom successfully placed in the bowl on your head scores five points. If you accidentally place a false wisdom pompom into the bowl, you lose five points. Pompoms that fall to the floor don’t count.

Divide the children into two equal teams; one player may need to play twice.

If any players are colorblind, pair them with other players who can coach them about what colors to pick.

Have teams form two lines a few feet away from the front of the table so they can all watch and cheer for their teammates.

Have the first player on each team sit in the chair directly across from their team.

The players will each hold the bottom of an empty bowlwith one hand on top of their heads.

Shout, “Be picky with wisdom!” and start the timer for 60 seconds (or a time that you choose).

Players try to put as many pompoms of the colors you specified into the bowls on top of their heads.

After time expires, players and teams count the pompoms that were picked. Score five points for each pompom representing God’s wisdom; subtract five points for each of the world’s wisdom pompoms. Record the scores on the board for each team.

Return all of the pompoms to the original bowls and mix them up again.

Repeat for each set of players. The team with the most points wins.

Conclusion: You were all very picky players—and in this game, that was good! It is so important for each of us to be selective about what wisdom we choose to listen to and use to guide our lives. We can always trust God’s wisdom to lead us on the right path so we can grow strong in Christ!


Make a copy of the Magnetic Gizmo Coloring Page for each child plus extras.

Give each child a copy of the coloring page, and crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children work on their pictures.

  • Do you remember where Chris, Joy and Gizmo were in this picture? The throne room of King Solomon.
  • What was going on at the time that Gizmo attracted all of these metal objects? Solomon had just asked for his sword, to determine who the baby belonged to.
  • Can you think of another Bible story where a mother actually hid her son and let another woman be his mother to save his life? The story of Moses.
  • Chris prayed and asked God for wisdom to solve his mystery. How was Chris’s plan similar to Solomon’s to solve his dilemma and determine who took the Mag-Sys? Chris caused the young boy, Carson, to get nervous and reveal that he had made a mistake and moved the Mag-Sys.
  • Can you describe a time when you asked for God’s wisdom when you needed to make an important choice or decision?

When children are finished, allow them to share their pictures with the class.

Conclusion: God is the source of true wisdom. All of Israel was in awe of the wisdom that God had given to King Solomon so he could be a wise judge. When we ask, God will generously give wisdom to each one of us!

Sword Drill

  • Bibles; to make the activity fair for all children, do not use tabbed Bibles or electronic devices unless everyone has them
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Index cards or paper—1 per team of two children
  • Pencils

This activity is most suitable for children who are familiar with the Bible. As an option, you may pair experienced Bible users with those who are not. The experienced Bible user can quickly look up the verse and the other child may write the answer on the card for each drill. If both players are experienced Bible users, the players can alternate looking up a verse and writing it on the card. Be prepared to help any children with special needs.

Proverbs 1:1 tells us that Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Does anyone know what a proverb is?

A proverb is a short saying that gives insight or wisdom for living.

Our SuperVerse is a proverb. Let’s say it together. Proverbs 2:6:

For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

This activity is called a sword drill because the Bible tells us that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God! (See Ephesians 6:17.)

Divide children into teams of two and give each pair a Bible, an index card or piece of paper, and a pencil. Have them number 1–10 on their index cards with room to write a word after each number.

Have children close their Bibles and hold them up in the air before each verse. As you call out a Scripture below, write the reference on the board. Since all the verses are in Proverbs, it would be wise to scan quickly when they hold up their “swords” to make sure no one is using their finger as a marker to get a head start! As teams find the scripture, read the fill-in-the-blank question aloud. Teams will find the verse as fast as possible, write the answer on the card, stand up, and hold the card in the air. Call on the winner to read the answer. If it is correct, the team scores a point. If it is incorrect, award a point to each team standing with the correct answer. Do as many verses as time permits. The team with the most points wins.

Raise your swords high in the air! We are going to quickly look up verses about God in the book of Proverbs.

  1. Proverbs 3:19. God formed the world by His _____. (Wisdom)
  2. By wisdom the Lord founded the earth; by understanding He created the heavens.

  3. Proverbs 5:21. The Lord examines every ____ we take. (Path)
  4. For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.

  5. Proverbs 15:9. God loves all who pursue _____. (Godliness)
  6. The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue godliness.

  7. Proverbs 15:29. The Lord hears the _____ of the righteous. (Prayers)
  8. The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayers of the righteous.

  9. Proverbs 12:2. The Lord condemns those who plan _____. (Wickedness)
  10. The Lord approves of those who are good, but He condemns those who plan wickedness.

  11. Proverbs 15:26. The Lord delights in _____ words. (Pure)
  12. The Lord detests evil plans, but He delights in pure words.

  13. Proverbs 12:22. The Lord delights in those who tell the _____. (Truth)
  14. The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in those who tell the truth.

  15. Proverbs 15:3. The Lord is watching _____. (Everywhere)
  16. The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping His eye on both the evil and the good.

  17. Proverbs 20:27. The Lord’s light ____ the human spirit. (Penetrates)
  18. The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive.

  19. Proverbs 16:9. The Lord determines our_____. (Steps)
  20. We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

    Conclusion: King Solomon knew that God was the source of his wisdom and success. He filled the book of Proverbs with his insight and experience with God. These verses give us wisdom and understanding about God, too, so we may follow in ways that please Him.