Leader Guide

Site: Superbook Academy
Course: Roar!
Book: Leader Guide
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Date: Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 11:15 AM



God rescues me from trouble.


"He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles. Daniel’s God has rescued him from the power of the lions." Daniel 6:27 cev

Bible Story:

Daniel 6

Superbook Video:


Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Welcome, everyone! Today, we will continue to learn about Daniel. This story reminds us that God answers prayer; that when we trust God, we can be courageous; and He will help us do what is right. Let’s start by praying and then singing! Dear Lord Jesus, we invite You to speak to our hearts and change our lives today as we sing, pray, and study Your Word. In Your name we pray, Amen! 

Play Video 7: (Song) The Salvation Poem (3 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along with the children.

The Salvation Poem

SuperTruth and Discussion (1 minute)

Great singing, everyone! Have a seat. This lesson, our SuperTruth is, “God rescues me from trouble.” Let’s say that together.

Introduce Condensed Bible Story Video (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in a previous lesson, you may skip it here and go straight to the Bible Background Video.

Does anyone remember our Superbook story from last time? Yes!

What happened when Chris, Joy and Gizmo saw the bully being mean to the younger boy on the playground?

Chris didn’t want to confront the bully. Why do you think Chris hesitated to help the boy?

Now, for any children who haven’t seen our Bible story yet, we are going to watch a short version to see how Daniel stood up for what is right. For those of you who have seen the full video, watch this short version to see all the ways that Daniel was courageous!

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (8 minutes)

Condensed Bible Story

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to ancient Babylon to meet Daniel, who prays three times a day. When King Darius decrees that no one may worship anyone but him or face death, Daniel is thrown into the lions’ den. God protects Daniel from harm, and the king commands everyone to worship the One True God.

Discussion (1 minute)

Daniel was an amazing man who trusted God! Who can tell me some ways that Daniel was courageous?

How did Daniel stay strong and do what was right?

Yes, Daniel prayed and followed God’s ways, and God helped him. Because of Daniel’s faith, others learned about the One True God.

Play Video 10C: SuperVerse Graphic 3

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 3

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperVerse today is Daniel 6:27:

He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles. Daniel’s God has rescued him from the power of the lions.”

This is what the king said after Daniel was saved from the lions. The king realized that God had done a great miracle! Let’s say the verse again together.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. Note: Younger children may not be able to memorize the SuperVerse. They may simply repeat it several times, while older children may memorize part or all of it. Be sure all children understand its meaning.

Introduce Signposts Video (1 minute)

Several things in the life of Daniel are similar to the life of Jesus. These similarities point to Jesus like signposts. Let’s dig deeper by watching our Signposts Video.

Play Video 6: Signposts (3 minutes)

Signposts Video

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Let’s pray. Dear Lord, when problems come up in our lives, remind us to pray, help us to trust You, and give us Your power to stand strong. In Your name we pray, Amen! 

In our Small Groups today, we are going to talk about how God gives us His power to be courageous and to stand strong—no matter what problems we may face. Have a great time! 

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time. 


  • Four pieces of cardboard, or masking or painter’s tape
  • Two twelve-foot ropes or strings

Lay out the game area as shown in the illustration, marking the location of two “pits” and two places for “solid ground.”

Optional Play: you may prefer to divide the class in half and use just one “pit” and one “solid ground,” but play as one team against the clock. Play again and try to beat the previous time.

God can rescue us out of any situation. Read Psalm 40:2a:

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground.

Let’s play a game about rescuing each other from trouble! Pretend that two of these rectangles are deep pits, and the other two rectangles are the solid ground. You will take turns tossing a rope to rescue your teammates in trouble!

Divide the class into two equal teams, and have each team line up behind their “pit.” Choose one child from each team to be the first “rescuer,” who stands with a rope on the “solid ground” across from the team’s pit. One player on each team steps into the pit and must keep both feet in the rectangle until he or she can catch the rope and be rescued. Each rescuer should hold one end of the rope and quickly toss the other end as many times as necessary until the player in the pit can grab it. The rescuer then drops the rope and quickly sits down behind the solid ground. The rescued child runs to the solid ground with the rope to become the new rescuer, then begins throwing the rope to the next teammate in the pit. Both teams play simultaneously. If a player steps off a rectangle, play stops for that team until the player is back on again. The first team to rescue all of its players from trouble wins!


Make one copy of the five signs in the Just Follow the Signs pattern, then fold each in half.

Tape each sign—Daniel side out—to a wall in random order around the room; or hold up each sign at the appropriate time in the lesson.

That was a very interesting video we watched about signposts. Signs help us because they point us toward something and let us know what is ahead. Daniel lived hundreds of years before Jesus, yet the events of Daniel’s life were signposts pointing to Jesus—to the events leading to Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead.

Children should sit in the middle of the room and turn to face each signpost in numerical order as you discuss them. I have placed signposts of Daniel all around the room. Let’s find the first signpost so we can dig a little deeper into how Daniel’s life pointed to Jesus.

1.  Select a child to read the front of the first sign: Daniel was arrested.

Was Daniel arrested because he did something wrong? No.

He was innocent! All he did was pray! The king’s advisors tricked King Darius into signing a law that would trap Daniel. The Bible says in Daniel 6:4 (cev):

The other men tried to find something wrong with the way Daniel did his work for the king. But they could not accuse him of anything wrong, because he was honest and faithful and did everything he was supposed to do.

This sign has an arrow pointing to something. Please turn it over and read it to us. Jesus was arrested.

What did Jesus do to be arrested? Nothing, He was innocent.

The religious leaders brought false charges against Jesus! The Roman governor said Jesus was innocent. John 18:38b (cev) says,

Pilate went back out and said, “I don’t find this man guilty of anything!”

Both Daniel and Jesus did nothing wrong, but they were arrested!

2.  Where is our second sign? Choose a child to stand up and read the front: The king disagreed.

Yes, King Darius was tricked by his evil advisors who were jealous of Daniel and wanted to get rid of him. The king liked Daniel very much but he had to enforce the law he made.

Please turn over the sign to see how this points to Jesus’ life. The governor disagreed.

The Bible tells us that the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, didn’t think Jesus should be crucified. He washed his hands as a symbol to show everyone that he wanted to be clean or innocent of sentencing Jesus to die on the cross. Yes, both leaders found the two men not guilty, but had to sentence them to die!

3.  Let’s turn to look at our third sign. Select a child to stand up and read the sign: Lowered into a pit.

King Darius ordered his soldiers to throw Daniel into a pit of lions to die.

Now read the back to see what this points to. Raised on a cross.

Jesus was raised on a cross to die! Two innocent men were sentenced to death! One was lowered, one was raised.

4.  Let’s find our fourth sign. Select a child to stand up and read the sign: Sealed with a stone.

Daniel was thrown into the pit, and a large stone was rolled over the top to close it. The king’s seal was then placed on the stone so no one would open it!

Turn the sign over to see how this pointed to Jesus’ life. Sealed with a stone.

After Jesus died, His body was placed in a tomb. A huge stone was rolled in front to shut it tightly closed. God showed His love for us by sacrificing His only Son to die for our sins!

5.  Let’s look at our last sign about Daniel. Select a child to stand up and read the sign: He is alive!

What, how could that be? The pit was sealed with a stone!

Yes, our SuperVerse tells us that God’s power shut the lions’ mouths. God rescued Daniel by a miracle! When the stone was removed, King Darius was thrilled to hear Daniel’s voice—he was alive! Let’s see how this pointed to Jesus’ life. He is alive!

Jesus did not stay in that tomb. He rose again from the dead! The stone was rolled away so everyone could see Jesus had risen from the dead! And He is alive today!

The power of both miracles pointed to God’s power! The events caused unbelievers to see the truth! When Daniel came out of the pit, King Darius declared in Daniel 6:26–27 (cev):

“I command everyone in my kingdom to worship and honor the God of Daniel. He is the living God, the one who lives forever. His power and His kingdom will never end. He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles. Daniel’s God has rescued him from the power of the lions.”

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, the Bible says in Matthew 27:54 (cev),

The officer and the soldiers guarding Jesus felt the earthquake and saw everything else that happened. They were frightened and said, “This man really was God’s Son!”

Daniel’s story points straight to the loving power of Jesus who conquered death so that we can live with Him forever! Read Colossians 1:13–14(cev):

God rescued us from the dark power of Satan and brought us into the kingdom of His dear Son, who forgives our sins and sets us free.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together! “God rescues me from trouble.”

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

During our first lesson about Daniel, we made wristbands to remind us to pray continually - not just at mealtimes or bedtime, but throughout the day. Did any of you remember to pray as you went about your daily life?

What happened when you prayed? Allow time for children to share testimonies.


  • Twelve foot rope or string—also used in Game
  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App
  • Poster board or butcher paper
  • Marker

Use the marker to write the SuperVerse on the poster board.

Let’s have the girls say our SuperVerse. Girls say SuperVerse.

Okay, that was good! Now the boys. Boys say the SuperVerse.

That wasn’t bad! Now, all together at the count of three—1, 2, 3! Everyone says the SuperVerse.

That was the best of all!

Who in the Bible story said the words in our verse? King Darius.

Yes! This was an amazing statement from a king who did not worship God. The powerful miracle God performed caused the king and those around him to see the truth!

Hold up the rope. What are some things a rope can be used for? Jump rope, dry clothes, lasso, mark off an area, climb, swing, pull something.

You can use a rope to rescue people in trouble; for example, if they fall into a big hole or deep water. Do you think God used a rope to rescue Daniel by lifting him above the lions?

Maybe an angel used a rope to tie the lions’ mouths shut to rescue Daniel? Smile. NO! God rescued Daniel by His own supernatural, miracle-working power! God doesn’t need a rope to rescue us—but whenever we see one, it can remind us of our SuperVerse.

Have children stand side by side, about an arm’s-length apart from each other, in one long row. Hand both ends of the rope to the first child.

I will hold up this SuperVerse poster while walking in front of you, one by one. The first child will read the first word aloud, then keep hold of one end of the rope while handing the other end to the next child. The second child reads the second word of the verse and, keeping one hand on the rope, passes the end to the next child. We will do this until we say the entire verse and all of you are holding onto the rope. When the last word is read, everyone should hold the rope up in the air.

Adjust the number of words read according to the number of children in your class. You can start the verse over again if you have a large class, or finish the verse as a group if you have a small class. You also may finish saying the remaining words yourself, if necessary.

Note: Younger children may not be able to memorize the SuperVerse. They may simply repeat it several times, while older children may memorize part or all of it. Be sure all children understand its meaning.

You did great! Now, let’s read our SuperVerse, Daniel 6:27 (cev), one more time together! Hold up the poster.

“He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles. Daniel’s God has rescued him from the power of the lions.”

Can anyone remember our SuperTruth from our large group time?

Let’s shout it out together! “God rescues me from trouble!”


  • A globe or map of the world
  • Slips of paper with names of countries where Christians are persecuted

On separate slips of paper, write the names of countries were Christians are persecuted, such as North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Myanmar.

Look around the room and choose someone you don’t know very well to be your prayer partner today. If you have an odd number of children, allow three children to form a group.

Read Matthew 18:19–20: Jesus said,

“If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, My Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as My followers, I am there among them.”

Have children discuss: Is it hard to pray in a restaurant or at school? What do you think you would have done if you were Daniel?

Give each pair of children a slip of paper with the name of a country where Christians are persecuted. Help them find the countries on the map or globe.

How many Bibles do you have in your house?

Many Christian families in these countries don’t even have one Bible in their house because it’s against the law to own one.

How many people saw you coming to church today?

What would it be like to have to sneak to a prayer meeting? Allow children time for discussion.

We played a noisy game earlier. Imagine what it would be like if you had to be very quiet when you gather with other Christians so no one can hear you singing or praying together!

Let’s take some time to pray for the Christians in these countries. Ask if anyone else would like to lead a short prayer while the partners pray silently.

Close in prayer: Father God, we are so glad that You are with us and that we can trust You, no matter what situation we may face. Help us to stand strong like Daniel. We pray for Christians who are being persecuted because they believe in You. Give them courage and strength. Please provide for all of their needs. Thank You that You hear us and that You always answer our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • Egg cartons
  • Potting soil
  • Seeds
  • Plastic spoons
  • Several spray bottles filled with water
  • Large plastic bags, one per child
  • Needle
  • Tablecloth or newspaper to cover tables

Cut the tops off the egg cartons and discard. Divide the “egg” sections according to the desired number per child.

Use a needle to poke three or four holes in the bottom of each section.

Daniel’s actions helped other people change. Sometimes we don’t see people change right away, but it happens quietly, over a period of time—just like a seed grows into a plant. Today, we are starting a project that you will be responsible to complete at home.

Give each child an egg carton section. Have them spray the inside of the carton until it is moist.

Using the plastic spoons, have them fill the sections with potting soil to about 1/2" from the brim.

Drop one seed into each egg cell and cover with a fine layer of potting soil.

Spray lightly with water.

Have the children wash their hands while you place the cartons in plastic bags for the children to take home. Tell them to place their cartons in a warm, sunny area with the plastic bag under the cartons to collect any moisture leaks. They are responsible for spraying the seedlings with water when the soil becomes dry. Depending on the type of seeds, sprouts should appear in 7–10 days and may be transplanted when leaves begin to appear.

Object Lesson

  • One raw egg
  • One hardboiled egg

Hard boil one or two eggs by placing in water, bringing to a boil, then covering and simmering 20 minutes.

Practice the demonstration ahead of time.

There is a funny expression in English: “He’s a good egg.” What do you think it means?

It means someone has good character and can be trusted. Show the two eggs to the children. How do you know if an egg is boiled or raw? Can you tell by just looking at the egg and not cracking it open? No.

Can you tell what a person is like on the inside by just looking at him on the outside? No.

I’m going to teach you a trick today so that you can tell whether or not an egg is boiled without cracking it open. We can tell by the actions of the egg. Watch. Spin one of the eggs on the table. Now spin the other egg on the table. Which egg do you think is boiled?

The egg that spins freely is the boiled egg. Spin the boiled egg again. The insides of the boiled egg are stuck together and not floating around in the shell. Watch this raw egg spin. Spin the raw egg. It wobbles all over and has difficulty spinning. In a similar way, we can tell what people are really like by their actions.

How do you hard-boil an egg?

You boil it over high heat. When we go through hard times, our faith is tested. We may feel like we are in the middle of a fire. But we want to stay true to God’s ways so we can pass the test and grow stronger in our faith.

The choices we make and the actions we take reveal what kind of person we are. If we make good choices and follow God’s path, we will have a good influence on others. But if we make bad choices, people may be tempted to follow us down the wrong path.

Sometimes it’s hard to know which path to take! Proverbs 3:5–6 has good advice for us:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

So, when we face a difficult situation, how can we know what God wants us to do? Pray, read the Bible, talk to an adult.

Let’s repeat the SuperTruth: “God rescues me from trouble!”


Copy the Coat of Arms Pattern, one per child.

Symbolized by a Seal: Design a personal seal.

In Bible times, an important person would use a seal like we use our signatures today—to show approval. A seal was made by dripping hot wax onto something, then rolling a cylinder or pressing a ring into the wax before it cooled and dried hard. King Darius put his seal on the stone over the lions’ den. When the king placed a seal on something, no one was allowed to break it except the king himself.

Did you know that a King has sealed each one of us, too?

Yes, Revelation 19:16 tells us that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. When we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God seals us with a promise that we are His forever!

The Bible says in Ephesians 1:13b (nkjv) that when you trusted Jesus as your Savior,

You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

When we ask Jesus into our hearts, God places His Holy Spirit in us! This is His seal that no one can remove or break! We are sealed with a guarantee or promise from God that someday we will go to heaven and live with Him forever! How cool is that—to be sealed by the King of kings for eternity!

What do you think King Darius’ seal looked like? If you were a king or queen, what would your seal look like? Would it have your name or initials, or a picture of your favorite animal, a sport, or hobby? Design your own personal seal on the page provided.