Leader Guide

Site: Superbook Academy
Course: Nicodemus
Book: Leader Guide
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 7:01 PM



We must be born again.


Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3 (NLT)

Bible Story:

Luke 13:10–17; 14:1–6; John 3:1–16; 7:50–52; 19:39–40

Superbook Video:


Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Welcome back to the second lesson of our Superbook adventure titled “Nicodemus.” In today’s lesson, we will learn what Jesus told Nicodemus must happen for anyone to enter the kingdom of God. God has made a way for all of us to enter His kingdom. This is one of the many reasons to praise Him. So let’s stand and do that right now!

Play Video Song: Celebrate Your Victory (3.5 minutes)

Preview the song so you can help the children sing along with the music.

Video Song: Celebrate Your Victory

SuperTruth and Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperTruth today is based on something very important that Jesus said: We must be born again. Let’s all say it: We must be born again.

Raise your hand if you can hardly wait to grow up so you can do more and more exciting things. Children respond.

Raise your hand if you want to become a baby again. Children respond.

When Jesus said we must be born again, did He mean that we literally have to become tiny babies again? Raise your hand if you think no. Children respond. Raise your hand if you think yes. Children respond.

Let’s watch a short version of our Bible story about Nicodemus and find out what Jesus really meant by being born again. If you have seen it before, watch and listen carefully to name the two animals described in the Bible passage that a young man reads in the Temple.

Introduce Condensed Bible Story (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in the previous lesson, you may skip it here and go straight to the Bible Background Video.

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (10 minutes)

Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to Jerusalem, where Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader, secretly meets with Jesus. The children learn that everyone must be born again to see the kingdom of God, and Chris prays for salvation.

Condensed Bible Story

Discussion (2 minutes)

The leader of the Pharisees invited Jesus to a meal at his house. The Bible says that everyone who attended watched Jesus closely. Do you think that they wanted to learn from Him or to criticize Him? Why? To criticize Him. They wanted to see if He would break one of their religious laws; they wanted to find some fault with Him.

The Pharisees had noticed how popular Jesus was and how large crowds were following Him. His teachings often clashed with their traditions. At the meal, what did Jesus do that broke one of their traditions? He healed a man on the Sabbath day.

What did Nicodemus call Jesus when they met alone? Rabbi. Rabbi means teacher. Nicodemus said that He knew God had sent Jesus to teach them.

What did Nicodemus say was evidence that God was with Jesus? His miracles or miraculous signs.

Imagine all that was going through Nicodemus’s mind as he met with Jesus. Nicodemus was a respected teacher and leader of the Pharisees. He knew Jesus was sent by God, yet many of Jesus’ teachings were contrary to traditions that Nicodemus had believed for many years!

Introduce Bible Background Video (1 minute)

In today’s Bible Background video, we’ll learn more about Nicodemus and the religious leaders of that day. Be ready for Gizmo’s questions! Wait for him to give some answers, then call out the one you think is right!

Play Video 5: Bible Background (7 minutes)

Bible Background Video

Play Video 10B: SuperVerse Graphic

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

10B: SuperVerse Graphic

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

The SuperVerse today is John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus was very surprised to hear Jesus say this was necessary to enter God’s kingdom. Jesus is very clear. Being born again is not just one of many ways to see the kingdom of God—it is the only way!

Let’s say this verse together: Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If they are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we praise You for making a way for all of us to enter Your kingdom. The way is not through our own goodness or our good works—it is only by believing in Jesus that we can be born again spiritually and begin a new life in Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

In Small Group today, you will roll marbles off the end of a table. That doesn’t sound very challenging, does it? Just wait and see what you need to roll the marbles through! Let’s roll!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.


  • Marbles—about five per child, plus extras
  • Large, unbreakable bowl to hold marbles
  • Empty paper towel tube
  • Small box to create a tunnel—no more than 11 inches deep. (A shoebox is ideal, but to use a deeper box, substitute a wrapping paper tube for the paper towel tube.)
  • Medium-size box to catch marbles as they fall
  • 4–6-foot table
  • Scissors
  • Utility or craft knife
  • Pencil
  • Books—about six to hold the box in place and to block marbles from rolling past the box if the table is wider.
  • Tape
  • Refer to Nicodemus Marble Game Setup

Optional: Add a second box, tube, and table to play with two teams instead of the Large Group version as described.
Save the game box for the Teaching in Lesson 2. 

 Tunnel box construction instructions—see images. If you do not make a tunnel box, create a way for children to roll marbles across an obstacle course or maze on a table, making sure there is only one way the marbles can go to finish the course.
• Remove the lid of the box. If it is attached, carefully cut it off with the scissors.
• Flip the box upside down—open top down.
• Use a tube end and trace a circle in the middle of the front (long side) of the box.
• Carefully cut the circle out using the knife or scissors.
• On each side of the circle, and a few inches away from it, carefully cut other openings. Make them different shapes like a square or triangle. Make them larger than the diameter of the circle, but not so large that you can see the sides of the tube.
• Turn the box right side up—open top up. Place the tube from the front to the back. Mark the correct length on the tube. Mark it to fit snugly.
• Cut the tube at the marked length.
• On the back of the box (opposite the front hole), use the tube end to trace a circle, directly opposite and in-line with the front circle.
• Carefully cut out the circle.
• Insert the tube into the box and line it up with both holes, front to back.
• Place strips of tape about 2 inches inside of the top and sides of the tube. Stick the loose tape ends to the box to hold the tube in place.
• Repeat this on the back of the box. The tube should now be solidly in place.

Place the box with the tube a few inches from the end of a table, open top down. If the table is wider than the box, place books on each side of the box to block the marbles.
Place a few books on top of the tube box to keep it in place.
Place the bowl of marbles on the opposite end of the table.
Place the medium-size box on the floor at the end of the table where the tube box is.

This Is How We Roll! Play a game with marbles and a tunnel.

In Large Group, you were asked to listen carefully to name the two animals described in the Bible passage that a young man reads in the Temple. What’s the answer? A lamb and sheep.

The religious leaders thought they knew how to get to heaven. Today, many people believe there are many ways to get to heaven, but that is false, according to today’s SuperVerse. Let’s say it. John 3:3: Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

In this game, each player will roll five marbles on the table. The goal is to get them to roll through the tunnel box on the table and into the box on the floor at the other end of the table. The box on the floor represents the kingdom of God. To get there, the marbles must travel just one way—through the tube in the tunnel box on the table. You will work as one large group to try and get as many marbles as you can through the tunnel box’s tube into the box. Each marble that makes it scores one point for the whole group. Then if we have time, we will play a second time to try and beat the first score. Are you ready to roll?

Have children stand behind the table and cheer each player on. When everyone has played, count the marbles in the box and record the score. Place all of the marbles in the dish and play again to try and beat the first score.

Conclusion: That was fun, but it also makes an important point. Let’s learn about that and more in our teaching today.


  • Nicodemus Dead End Sign
  • Box with tube from game
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • GizmoNote (optional take-home note)

Discipleship Challenge materials:

Make one copy of the Dead End Sign in color or black and white.
Have Discipleship Challenge materials ready for children who missed Lesson 1.
Make copies of Jesus Reveals Truth Page. See Lesson 1 for details.

Optional: Print the GizmoNote—one per child to take home after class.

It’s a Must! Discuss our need to be born again.

I would like someone to say the SuperTruth aloud: We must be born again.

In the Bible story, Nicodemus was struggling to understand what Jesus was talking about. He thought Jesus was saying that as a grown man, Nicodemus must become a human baby again. But Jesus was not talking about human birth; He was talking about how the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. How exactly does this happen? Jesus said in John 3:8:

“The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”

This can only happen through God’s Spirit, not by anything we do.

What Jesus told Nicodemus was very different than what the Pharisees and other Jewish religious leaders taught. It is the same today. There are many views in the world today about eternal life and how to get to heaven. There are many false teachings we can find on the internet, television, and even in some churches. We must know the truth! So, who can we listen to?

Jesus told Nicodemus that He was telling him the truth. Let’s say today’s SuperVerse. John 3:3: Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” 

Jesus said in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

Jesus not only speaks the truth, He IS the truth. So, we really need to listen to Him!

Hold up the tunnel box from the game so the children can see the tube inside. Raise your hand if you wondered why the marbles that went into the other openings didn’t come out. Children respond.

The other openings represent different ways that people think they can get to heaven. These openings do not lead to the other side. The middle hole represents God’s way to salvation through Jesus. All paths do not lead to the same place, do they?

Hold up the Dead End Sign. You have probably seen this type of sign when you are traveling in a car. What does it mean? The road ends; you can’t go further. To put it simply, any way but Jesus’ way is a dead end! We must be born again by believing in Jesus! When we follow His directions, we will see the kingdom of God.

Do you see a difference between the middle opening and the other ones? They are shaped differently; they are larger.

It was easier to roll a marble into them, wasn’t it? Even so, they did not lead to the desired goal—the Kingdom of God Box! Jesus says in Matthew 7:13 (CEV):

“Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate.”

Point to the larger openings in the box. Sadly, Jesus tells us that many choose the bigger, easier openings. These ways could be easier because they don’t tell you to be born again and live as Jesus did, in obedience to God’s Word.

Point to the middle tube. This is the narrow gate in the verse that Jesus talks about. Where did it lead in the game? The box at the end of the table, the Kingdom of God Box.

Jesus calls Himself the Gate or the Door; He is the only way to salvation. (See John 10:9.) Only through Him can we enter into a relationship with God and be saved. Only by being born again can we see the kingdom of God.

Jesus did not give us other options, and there are no exceptions to His rule! He said in John 14:6:

“No one can come to the Father except through Me!”

Now let’s do our Discipleship Challenge to learn more about God.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Give any child who missed Lesson 1 a Jesus Reveals Truth Page. Show children the sample craft made in Lesson 1 and have them assemble the craft at home. Hold up the sample craft.

Last time, your challenge was to learn the first truth that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus when they met one night. What Scripture verse were we supposed to learn? I think it was Luke 3:5, right? No, it’s John 3:5.

Really, are you sure? Let’s see. Pull up the first strip to reveal John 3:5.

Oh, you are correct; I need to do this challenge again! Who learned the verse and can say it from memory? Allow volunteers to try to say the verse. John 3:5:

Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.”

Did anyone receive any new or deeper understanding of the verse from the Holy Spirit? Children respond.

Let’s move on to this lesson’s challenge. Pull up the second strip and show it to the children. Where in the Bible is the new truth that Jesus revealed to Nicodemus? John 3:16.

Your next challenge is to look up John 3:16 and learn it. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you a deeper understanding of God’s gift and plan for us to be saved. We will discuss this new challenge when we meet again!


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Nicodemus SuperVerse Wave
  • Eight sheets of cardstock or paper
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board—John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Copy the John 3:3 SuperVerse Wave pattern on eight sheets of paper or cardstock, then scramble them.

SuperVerse Wave: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Let’s look at the board and say our SuperVerse together: John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus realized that Jesus wasn’t just another teacher. This was Jesus, who was sent by God. Nicodemus acknowledged that God was with Jesus because of all the miraculous signs He performed. When Jesus spoke the truth, Nicodemus knew he could not ignore it; yet he struggled inside with what he believed as a Pharisee.

Jesus only spoke truth. In fact, He called Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He told Nicodemus the truth, not what Nicodemus expected or wanted to hear. The truth is that there is no other way to God the Father, except through Jesus.

Have the class read the SuperVerse on the board together one more time, then erase it. Choose eight children to stand side by side in front of the room.

Give one sheet of the John 3:3 SuperVerse Wave Pattern to each child. If there are fewer than eight children, give two pages to the necessary number of children to display the entire verse. Or, have the class work together to put the scrambled pages in order on the floor.

Starting on the far left (from the class’s perspective), have the eight children create a “wave” by holding up and reading aloud their individual phrases (which will be out of order) and lowering their sheets when done. Ask if that sounded like the correct verse. The answer will be no!

Ask the rest of the class to tell you which reader should be first, second, third, etc. Rearrange the children in that order and have them reread their phrases, creating a “wave” with their papers. Ask the rest of the class if the verse is now correct. If not, have the class rearrange the readers again until they can say the phrases of the verse in the proper order. Finally, have the entire class follow the “wave” to say the verse together two or three times, going faster each time.

Conclusion: We can believe that this is the only way to receive salvation because Jesus only speaks the truth. What must happen to see the kingdom of God? We must be born again!

If children cannot memorize the SuperVerse, be sure they understand its meaning. Remind them to keep working on the verse at home.


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Born Again Prayers: Communicate with God.

Jesus recognized that Nicodemus was a respected religious leader, and yet, all of his years of studying the Scriptures and teaching God’s Law weren’t enough to enter God’s kingdom. Something was missing! Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:16 (NLT):

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Nicodemus only needed to believe in Jesus as His Savior. It’s the same today. We must be spiritually born again. All we need to do is what Jesus told Nicodemus: believe in Him.

In our prayer today, I am going to give each of you a chance to receive Jesus as your Savior. If you already believe in Jesus, praise God! You can still repeat the words with us and rejoice that you are born again and will go to heaven someday! You can also pray in your heart for anyone who may believe in Jesus for the first time today.

Close in prayer, allowing time after each phrase for the children to pray silently or repeat aloud after you. Dear Lord Jesus, … I believe … You died on the cross for me … to pay the price for my sins … to forgive me … and to take me to heaven someday. … Come live in my heart. … Fill me with Your Spirit … so I can live to please You. … In Your saving name, we pray, amen.

Make sure to follow up with any children who prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior. Encourage them to download Gizmo’s Bible Adventures, a free 30-day devotional for children and their families. Visit Superbook.CBN.com/Pages/Discover/KidsDevo/Gizmos-Bible-Adventures.

Review Game

  • Ten large plastic disposable party cups
  • Hot glue gun and a glue stick or white school-type glue
  • Posterboard or pieces of cardboard
  • Two ping pong/table tennis balls, plus extras
  • Permanent black marker
  • Table
  • One assistant
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Timer: clock/watch with a second hand, stopwatch, or timer app
  • Refer to Nicodemus Review in a Cup

Cut the poster board in half lengthwise.
Using the marker, write a number on the outside of each cup as follows: number 1 on four cups, number 2 on four cups, and number 5 on two cups.
Glue the bottoms of five cups to each poster board in the order shown in the illustration.
Place the two boards with cups glued in place on the table—see illustration.

Review in a Cup: Play a game to review the lesson.

Divide the class into two teams; they do not need to be even. Have each team stand at opposite ends of the table—see illustration. Have an assistant, such as a sixth-grade helper, stand with one team at one end of the table, while you stand with the other team at the opposite end.

Teams alternate bouncing the ball on each round. Each player receives two chances to bounce the ball into a cup. The first player for Team One bounces a ball on the table between the two sets of cups to try to get it to land inside a cup at the opposite end. Points are added together for that player’s total score.

The player from Team Two takes a turn in the same way. The teams only receive these points if they answer the review question correctly. Ask the same question to both players. The players have five seconds on the timer to tell the assistant or teacher their answer without the other player hearing it. Both answers are revealed, and if correct, both teams are awarded the points they scored from the ball bounce. If an answer is incorrect, no points are scored for that team. If a player did not bounce a ball into the cup but answers the question correctly, one point is scored.

The questions will be a mixture of True/False and fill in the blank. Ask the teams to tell you the correct answer to any false question. Optional: for Grades 1–3, you may have the children try to toss the balls directly into the cups without bouncing them.

Questions and Answers

1. Nicodemus belonged to a religious group. What were they called? (Pharisees)

2. True or False: Nicodemus came to Jesus in the morning. (False—after dark in the evening, night)

3. What did Nicodemus call Jesus? (Rabbi)

4. True or False: Nicodemus came to Jesus with two Pharisee friends. (False—he came alone)

5. True or False: Nicodemus said the miraculous signs were evidence God was with Jesus. (True)

6. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again to see what? (The kingdom of God)

7. True or False: Nicodemus understood right away what Jesus meant about being born again. (False—he asked what Jesus meant )

8. Jesus said that no one can enter the kingdom unless they are born of water and what? (The Spirit)

9. Jesus said that humans can only reproduce what kind of life? (Human life)

10. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit gives birth to what? (Spiritual life)

11. True or False: Jesus said the wind blows where we tell it to. (False—where it wants)

12. True or False: Jesus said that you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit. (True)

13. Jesus asked Nicodemus, “If you don’t believe Me about earthly things, how can you believe Me about ______” what kind of things? (Heavenly things)

14. What did Moses lift up on a pole in the wilderness? (A [bronze] snake)

15. True or False: Jesus said that the Son of Nicodemus must be lifted up. (False—the Son of Man)

16. When we believe in Jesus, we will not perish; we will have what? (Eternal life)

17. True or False: Jesus was invited to eat at Nicodemus’s home. (False—another Pharisee leader)

18. Jesus asked the Pharisees if it was permitted in the Law to heal people on which day? (Sabbath day)

19. True or False: The Pharisees refused to answer Jesus’ question about the Sabbath. (True)

20. True or False: Jesus did not heal the man on the Sabbath day because He didn’t want to offend the Pharisees. (False—He touched the man and healed him)

Coloring Activity

Make copies of the coloring page—one per child, plus extras.

Write the SuperVerse on the board—John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Night Questions: Color a page about Nicodemus’s meeting with Jesus.

Give a coloring page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children color their pages.

1. What is happening in this scene from the video? Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus while Chris listens.

2.  Do you think it was unusual for Nicodemus to come at night? Why or why not? Children answer.

3. Have you ever talked with Jesus at night? How can it be easier to talk or pray in the evening around bedtime? There are fewer distractions; it can be quieter; you can be alone and share your thoughts.

4. Have you ever talked with Jesus about something you didn’t understand in the Bible? If it isn’t too personal, can you share it? Children respond.

5. Jesus did not turn Nicodemus away, and He won’t turn us away, either. He will always be there for us. How does it feel to know that we can come to Jesus anytime, about anything? Children respond.

Jesus is waiting to hear about our successes and even our failures or mistakes. He wants to share our joy, our sadness, our hopes, and our disappointments. Whenever we call to Him, He is ready and willing to spend time with us.

Active Game

  • Four identical plastic bottles, such as water or soda bottles
  • Two bottle connectors (purchase on-line or in teacher supply stores)
  • Quinoa—1 cup divided; ½ cup each in two bottles
  • Table
  • Music player with upbeat Christian music such as The Superbook Salvation Poem

Make sure bottles are dry inside. Make two rattles, using two bottles for each.
Place ½ cup of dry quinoa in one bottle of each rattle.
Carefully remove the plastic rings from the necks of the bottles to allow the bottles to screw into the connector fully.
Connect each filled bottle to an empty bottle using the connectors.
Place each rattle near opposite ends of the table.

Shake It Up! Play a game to move objects through one opening.

Jesus told Nicodemus that the only way to see the kingdom of God was to be ______ ______. Born again.

What must you do to be born again? Believe in Jesus as your Savior.

Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:16 (NLT):

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Nothing has changed—today, there is still only one way to heaven. Nicodemus wondered how you could become a baby and be born again. Have you ever seen a baby shake a rattle? Children respond.

Have you ever seen a baby shake a rattle this size? Hold up one of the rattles you made and shake it.

We said there is only one way to have eternal life—to be born again. You must believe in Jesus—period!

Reference the rattle as you talk. There is a grain called quinoa inside this rattle. The only way for the quinoa to get from this end to the other end is through this connector. There is no other path. Shake the bottle a few times to demonstrate.

This is how each player will move the contents from one bottle to the other. Make sure to shake the quinoa back to one bottle of the rattle you used for the demonstration before you start the game. Divide the children into two even teams. One child may need to play twice. Try to create teams with a mixture of ages. Have the teams make single-file lines several feet from the table.

Start the race. A player from each team will walk quickly to the table and shake the team’s rattle. Once a player has shaken the contents from one bottle to the other, he/she will set the rattle on the table (the end of the rattle with the quinoa down) and return to the team. The next player will take a turn. The first team to finish wins. Encourage teams to cheer for their players as they “rattle.”

Conclusion: That isn’t as easy as it looks, is it? How could this game have been easier and faster? The bottle top could have been larger. We could have used bottles with bigger openings, right? People would like it to be easier to get to heaven. Jesus said you must be born again. We must choose the narrow way, not the easier or fastest way.

Bible Activity

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

The Secret Believer: Children read and discuss verses about Nicodemus.

Give children a Bible if they do not have one. Have children look up the verses about Nicodemus and the religious leaders. Be ready to assist children who are not familiar with using the Bible. Have volunteers take turns reading a few verses of a passage and then lead a discussion.

Note that the suggested answers are from the New Living Translation. If children are using different translations, their responses will vary.

In this activity, we are going to read and discuss verses to learn more about Nicodemus and the religious leaders in Jesus’ time on the earth.

1. John 12:37, 42–43.

37But despite all the miraculous signs Jesus had done, most of the people still did not believe in Him. 42Many people did believe in Him, however, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn’t admit it for fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. 43For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.

• In verse 37, why do you think people wouldn’t believe, even after seeing His miracles? Maybe they were stubborn; they didn’t like change; maybe afraid of the religious leaders.

Optional: One of the saddest passages in the Bible is John 1:10–11, which says:

10He came into the very world He created, but the world didn’t recognize Him. 11He came to His own people, and even they rejected Him.

• In verse 42, even though some rejected Jesus, many did believe in Him. Surprisingly, who were some of the believers? The Jewish leaders.

• Why wouldn’t they admit they believed? They were afraid the Pharisees would expel or kick them out of the synagogue.

• What did they love? The praise of man more than the praise of God.

• How does that make you feel? Sad, surprised, angry.

• I think it is very sad to think someone would reject Jesus just to be accepted by others. Could this still possibly happen today? Please share your thoughts. People hide their faith and don’t want to be known as Christians for fear they will be rejected and made fun of. They want to fit in and be accepted even if it means denying Jesus.

• Do you think this is okay to act one way at home or at church and another way in school and around others? Why or why not? Children respond.

Jesus had something to say about this in Matthew 10:32–33:

32"Everyone who acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before My Father in heaven. 33But everyone who denies Me here on earth, I will also deny before My Father in heaven.”

• What are your thoughts about these verses? Children respond.

Jesus gave His life for us, so we should want to share our faith and love for Him as our Savior. When we deny Jesus, it must sadden His heart and grieve God’s Spirit, who lives in us! I think we have all kept our faith hidden at one time or another. When this happens, we can ask His forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit to give us the boldness to stand for Christ the next time.

2. John 7:45–52

45When the Temple guards returned without having arrested Jesus, the leading priests and Pharisees demanded, “Why didn’t you bring Him in?”  46"We have never heard anyone speak like this!” the guards responded. 47"Have you been led astray, too?” the Pharisees mocked. 48"Is there a single one of us rulers or Pharisees who believes in Him?  49This foolish crowd follows Him, but they are ignorant of the law. God’s curse is on them!”  50Then Nicodemus, the leader who had met with Jesus earlier, spoke up. 51"Is it legal to convict a man before he is given a hearing?” he asked. 52They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Search the Scriptures and see for yourself—no prophet ever comes from Galilee!”

• At a festival in Jerusalem, Jesus began to teach in the Temple. The Pharisees had had enough of Jesus! They sent Temple guards to arrest Him. Were the guards successful? No, they didn’t arrest Him.

• What did the guards say to the Pharisees? They had never heard someone speak like Jesus did.

The Pharisees were getting uncomfortable. Even the guards recognized that Jesus was no ordinary man! They asked if even a single leader believed in Him. Little did they know that some did; some right there with them that day!

• What was the reason the Pharisees said that people followed Jesus? They were ignorant of the law.

• In verse 50, who was one of the leaders present when the Jewish leaders met? Nicodemus.

• In verse 51, how did he speak up for Jesus? He asked if it was legal to convict someone without a hearing or trial.

This meant the person being accused would be given a chance to explain and defend themselves. The Pharisees ridiculed and insulted Nicodemus for speaking up. He was a respected leader and teacher for many years and probably knew the law as well or better than them all.

• Do you think it was significant for Nicodemus to speak up? Why? Children respond.

Now, let’s read some verses which seem to answer some questions about Nicodemus; things we may have wondered about his belief in Jesus. We know that in John 3 when Nicodemus talked with Jesus at night, he left with questions. The Bible doesn’t say he became a follower of Jesus then.

3. John 19:38–40:

38Afterward Joseph of Arimathea, who had been a secret disciple of Jesus (because he feared the Jewish leaders), asked Pilate for permission to take down Jesus’ body. When Pilate gave permission, Joseph came and took the body away. 39With him came Nicodemus, the man who had come to Jesus at night. He brought about seventy-five pounds of perfumed ointment made from myrrh and aloes. 40 Following Jewish burial custom, they wrapped Jesus’ body with the spices in long sheets of linen cloth.

• In verse 38, what kind of disciple is Joseph called? A secret disciple.

• Why was he secretive about his faith? He feared the Jewish leaders.

That is what we read before in John 12:42, isn’t it? Jewish people were afraid to admit their faith for fear they would be thrown out of the synagogue. But things changed after Jesus’ death on the cross.

• What did Joseph ask Pilate’s permission to do? Remove Jesus’ body from the cross.

• In verse 39, who came with Joseph to remove the body and take it away? Nicodemus!

Ahh, now this is interesting. Joseph had been a secret disciple. Nicodemus, who came at night and then spoke up for Jesus, must have also been a secret disciple, too; until now! They publicly went to take Jesus’ body down from the cross!

• What did Nicodemus bring? Seventy-five pounds of perfumed ointment.

• What did the two men use this for? To prepare Jesus’ body for burial.

• What do you think this says about the two men? They cared about Jesus and believed in Him. They no longer tried to keep their belief in Jesus a secret. These men who had secretly followed Jesus now publicly displayed their love for Him.

Conclusion: Jesus does not call us to be secret disciples. In Galatians 1:10, the Apostle Paul said:

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Our priority should be to please God rather than people. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can be bold for our Savior!