Leader Guide

Site: Superbook Academy
Course: Zacchaeus
Book: Leader Guide
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Thursday, 4 July 2024, 12:55 AM



Jesus changes my life and makes it new.      


This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!  2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Bible Story:

Luke 19:1–10

Superbook Video:


Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Welcome to the last lesson of our Superbook adventure, “Zacchaeus.” Have you ever heard someone say, “Some people never change”? This is not true for anyone who belongs to Jesus! Let’s stand and praise the only One who can make all things new as we sing The Salvation Poem!

Play Video 7: (Song) The Salvation Poem (3 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along with the children.

The Salvation Poem

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

Our SuperTruth today is, “Jesus changes my life and makes it new.” Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “Jesus changes my life and makes it new.” If you are a follower of Jesus today, can you share something that changed in your life after you asked Him to be your Lord and Savior? Children respond.

Consider sharing something that changed in your life when you became a believer. What changes do you think that people saw in Zacchaeus’s life following his encounter with Jesus? He gave to people instead of taking from them. He became an honest man. He wasn’t greedy and selfish.

When someone begins their new life with Jesus, do you think they will immediately look and act differently? Please explain. Children respond.

When we begin our new life in Christ, our physical appearance will not change. The immediate change takes place invisibly in our hearts. As we learn more about what pleases God by learning His Word in the Bible, we will begin to change the way we think and act. We will be filled with His love and desire to do His will and to serve others.

Introduce Condensed Bible Story (1 minute)

If most or all children watched the Bible story video in a previous lesson, omit it here and go straight to the SuperVerse.

Let’s watch a short version of the video about Zacchaeus. If you’ve already seen it, watch and listen carefully for the name of another tax collector whose life was changed by Jesus.

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (10 minutes)

Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to ancient Jericho, where they meet Zacchaeus. People despise him for being a tax collector for Rome, so they are amazed when Jesus reaches out to him, and Zacchaeus is saved and transformed. The children learn that Jesus came to seek and save every lost person.

Condensed Bible Story

Play Video 10C: SuperVerse Graphic (1 minute)

The graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

10C: SuperVerse Graphic

SuperVerse (2 minutes)

Our SuperVerse today is 2 Corinthians 5:17:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

What do you think it means to belong to Christ? Jesus is our Lord and Savior. We try to live as He does, according to God’s Word, and not as the world tells us to live. We don’t belong to the world anymore. God is our Father, and we are Jesus’ disciples.

What do you think that it means that the old life is gone? We don’t live selfishly any more. We live to please Him and to do His will.

Do you think it means that we can’t be with our old friends? No, unless someone causes us to be disobedient to God or to sin. We must choose friends wisely, but we also need to try to introduce them to God and live in a way that they can see Jesus in us.

Jesus came to save the lost. He did not just hang out with those who acted like Him and believed in Him. We must live in such a way that we influence those around us for Christ and not the other way around.

Let’s say the SuperVerse together. 2 Corinthians 5:17:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If any children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Introduce Signposts Video (1 minute)

Let’s watch the Signposts video to see how Jesus connected with Zacchaeus. Through this encounter, we can better understand how Jesus wants to be with us.

Play Video 6: Signposts Video (4 minutes)

Signposts Video

Prayer and Send-Off (2 minutes)

Let’s pray before we move to Small Group. Dear God, it is so exciting to learn that when we become followers of Jesus, we begin a new life with a new purpose! Help us to read Your Word every day and follow the direction of Your Holy Spirit so we can fulfill all You have planned for us in this new life! In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

In Small Group today, we are going to play a game about change—not one, but two kinds. Let’s go see what this game is about!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.


  • Coins, one type (pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters)—six coins per child, plus extras
  • Six medium-size boxes or chairs
  • Optional: painter’s tape or masking tape
  • Two plastic bowls or containers
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bible or Superbook Bible app
  • See Zacchaeus Change Game illustration

Tape a line or mark at one end of the room.
Place boxes or chairs in a pattern, as shown in the picture, with 6 feet between the first box and the line. The other boxes are spaced 6 feet apart.
Divide the coins in half and put half the coins in each bowl.
Put a dish of coins on the starting line—one for each team.
Write on the board: 

Box #1: walk backward
Box #2: hop on one foot
Box #3: walk sideways
Return to team: skip

Change Brings Change: Play a game about Zacchaeus’s new life.

In Large Group, you were asked to watch and listen carefully for the name of another tax collector whose life was changed by Jesus. What is the answer? Matthew.

When Matthew became one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, his life was made new. Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “Jesus changes my life and makes it new.”

Divide the class into two equal teams; one child may need to play twice. Teams will make two separate lines behind the starting line or mark and next to a bowl.

God’s power changed Zacchaeus from a dishonest, greedy man into a thankful, caring, giving man. His new life had begun! He demonstrated his new beginnings by giving to the poor and to those he had cheated. That is what this game is about: change and change.

Hold up some coins.

Have a volunteer demonstrate as you explain the steps of the game. Point to the board for each step. Each of you will pretend to be Zacchaeus. Players will take three coins, which represent the tax money that he collected. Players will walk backward to the first box, which represents Zacchaeus’s home. You will place one coin on the box that Zacchaeus earned for being a tax collector. You will then hop on one foot to the second box and leave a coin. This box represents the poor.

Next, you will walk by sliding sideways to the third box and place a coin on it. This box represents the people who Zacchaeus cheated. Then, skip home because your new life filled with God’s love and joy has begun. The next players will then start.

For an added challenge, you must carefully stack the coins, one on top of another, before you travel to the next box. If a stack falls, you must restack it before moving on—so move fast but be careful! Each player will play twice; the first team to finish wins.


1. If this proves to be too difficult for younger children, you may have the children just place the coins on top of the box instead of stacking them.

2. Tape a line about 3 feet in front of each box and have children toss their coins onto the boxes instead of stacking them.

Conclusion: No one thought that Zacchaeus would ever become an honest man. Imagine the freedom and joy he must have felt as he gave to the poor and returned the money he had dishonestly collected. Let’s learn more about Zacchaeus and everyone’s need for Jesus in our teaching time.


Discipleship Challenge materials:

  • Zacchaeus Coin Pouch, Coin Page, and yarn for any children who missed Lessons 1 and 2
  • Sample craft made in Lesson 1
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Discipleship Challenge materials for children who missed Lessons 1 and 2.
Make copies of the Coin Page and the Coin Pouch Page. See Lesson 1 for details.
Give a piece of yarn to each child.
Place the coins in a stack.
Have a child select the first Signpost Coin and read it aloud.
Tape the coin to the wall or prop it up so children can see it.
Lead a discussion with the information below.
Repeat for Coin #2.
Additional material is included for Grades 4–6 to look up and discuss.

One to One: Discuss how Jesus wants to be with us now and forever.

Coin #1: Jesus Came to Everyone.

Zacchaeus was a tax collector and was not liked by many people. This was because tax collectors worked for the Roman government and often were dishonest, charging more for taxes than they should. Hold up Signpost Coin #1. Do you remember what the people in the crowd said about Zacchaeus? He was a sinner, tax collector, and a thief.

The people didn’t believe Jesus would or should talk with Zacchaeus. Imagine how shocked they were when Jesus invited Himself to Zacchaeus’s home! They thought Zacchaeus was a bad person and that a holy man like Jesus should stay far away from him!

This is not how God thinks about people. Over 500 years earlier, God spoke through the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. He said in Ezekiel 34:11:

“For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I Myself will search and find My sheep.”

Jesus is fulfilling this prophecy—even today, as we speak! In Luke 19:10 (NKJV), He says:

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus, even though he wasn’t very tall, and the crowd was large. He decided the best way to see Jesus was to climb a tree. What he didn’t realize is that Jesus would also see him!

Coin #2: Jesus Knows Our Names

Much to the disbelief of the large crowd, Jesus called to Zacchaeus and told him to quickly come down from the tree. What else did Jesus say to Zacchaeus? He must be a guest in his home that day.

Did you know that it is still the same for us today? Jesus not only sees us, He knows us, and He calls us by name! No matter our age or size, Jesus sees us. No matter what others think of us, or what we may have done wrong, He sees us, and He calls us by name! He calls us to come closer and to have a deep and personal relationship with Him.

Jesus described Himself as the Good Shepherd. He said that the sheep recognize His voice and come to Him, and He calls His own sheep by name. (See John 10:3.)

Who is Jesus talking about when He talks about His sheep? Us, we are His sheep!

Jesus does not play favorites between those who think they are good and those who some think are sinners. Jesus was not influenced by what the crowd thought about Zacchaeus. He didn’t care that He was breaking social rules or proper etiquette by inviting Himself to Zacchaeus’s home.

Romans 3:23 and 24b (CEV) says:

All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. He freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins.

Jesus is calling out to us today. All we need to do is open the door to our hearts and let Him in! By confessing our sins and believing in Him, our new life in Christ begins!


John 10:3 (NLT):

“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.”

Revelation 3:20:

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”

Luke 19:7 (NKJV):

But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.”

Luke 19:9 (NKJV):

And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.”

Now, it’s time for the Discipleship Challenge, where we will discuss our next challenge to demonstrate our new life in Christ!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Give the Discipleship Challenge materials to children who missed previous lessons; see Lesson 1 for details. Hold up the sample craft.

Last time, your challenges were on Coins #3 and #4.

Read Coin #3. Did someone accept the bonus challenge of memorizing 1 John 1:9? Would you like to try to say it aloud for us? Children respond.

Every time we confess our sins, we can trust Jesus hears us and forgives us.

Read Coin #4. Would anyone like to share their experience with following Jesus more closely by being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading? Children respond.

Let’s find out what your next challenge is. Have a child pull out Coin #5 and read it: 2 Corinthians 5:17:

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.

This is part of our SuperVerse. The first challenge is to look up and read this verse in your Bible or Superbook Bible app, every day. For an added challenge, try to memorize it.

Have a volunteer pull out Coin #6 and read it: Do something daily to show you are a new person in Christ.

The people of Jericho saw a change in Zacchaeus’s words and actions. His heart was changed by Jesus; a new life had begun. That is what this last challenge is about. Pray and try to do something each day to represent your new life in Christ. It could be showing God’s love to a new student by sitting with them at lunch. It could be helping at home without being asked. It could be listening to someone or giving them a kind word to cheer them up. By doing things like this, we don’t want to point to ourselves, but to Christ, who gives us new life.


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board:

2 Corinthians 5:17:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

Superbook Correction: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Zacchaeus was a changed man with new goals and desires. Everyone who heard him speak that day knew something miraculous had happened! He vowed to give half of his wealth to the poor and return four times the amount he had cheated anyone. His old life was gone, and a new life had begun!

I will read a few words from our SuperVerse and then stop. You will then shout the word that comes next. Read the verse as written below:

This means that... anyone
Who belongs to... Christ
Has become a new... person.
The old life is... gone;
A new life has... begun!
2 Corinthians... 5:17

Have the children lower and/or cover their eyes so they cannot see the board. Using the list below, change one word of the SuperVerse on the board at a time to alter the meaning of the verse, then have the children look at the board and raise their hands to tell you what word should be fixed. (You may vary the order of the list.) Write in the correct word, then repeat the process.

  • Change “anyone” to “no one.”
  • Change “belongs” to “rejects.”
  • Change “Christ” to “Caesar”
  • Change “new” to “old.”
  • Change “person” to “baby.”
  • Change “life” to “shirt.”
  • Change “gone” to “here.”
  • Change “begun” to “ended.”

If any children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Have children sit in a circle.

New Life Prayers: Communicate with God.

The people of Jericho called Zacchaeus a cheat and a notorious sinner. Imagine their surprise to hear Jesus declare that salvation had come to him and that he was a son of Abraham. Jesus changed his life and made it new.

Jesus has not changed. What He did in the Bible, He still does today. He is ready to give you a fresh start and a new beginning. If you saw the Superbook adventure in the first lesson of our course, you saw Chris open an app on his phone when Joy was ready to become a Christian. On the app, Pastor Aaron prayed a prayer that you can pray today. I am going to pray that same prayer now.

After I read a section, I will pause to allow you to repeat it if you are ready to follow Jesus and make Him your Lord and Savior. I would like everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes. If you are already a follower of Jesus, you can still pray along with us and also pray for those who might be receiving Jesus for the first time. You can pray aloud or silently in your heart; either way, Jesus will hear you. Pray this prayer and pause as indicated:

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner...
and that I want to have a relationship with You....
Please forgive me for all of the wrong things I have done....
I believe in my heart that Jesus died and rose again...
to take away my sin,...
and I declare Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior....
Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit...
that I may be faithful to You....
Thank You for saving me and for letting me become Your child....
Please speak to me and help me hear Your voice and follow Your ways....
I look forward to spending time with You,...
both here on earth and in heaven....
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Congratulations to all who prayed this prayer! Welcome to your new life in Jesus!

Close in prayer: Thank You, Lord, for dying for us, so that we might be forgiven and live with You here today, and in heaven forever! Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us in the truth of Your Word. Thank You for all the new lives which have begun today through Your love, mercy, and grace. In our Lord and Savior’s name, we pray, Amen.

OPTIONAL: If you want to see an app like the one Chris used, check out the Superbook Kids Bible App, which has a prayer like the one we just prayed. Just look under the section that says, “Want to Know God?” The app also has the whole Bible in many languages, devotionals, Scripture games, and other things to help you grow in your faith.

Make sure to follow up with any children who prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior. Encourage them to download Gizmo’s Bible Adventures, a free 30-day devotional for children and their families. Visit Superbook.CBN.com/Pages/Discover/KidsDevo/Gizmos-Bible-Adventures.

Relay Game

  • Two XL men’s short-sleeve shirts that button up the front. Optional: use wrist bands, gloves, and/or extra-large slippers instead of, or in addition to, the shirts
  • Ideally, one of each pair of items should look old, stained, and torn; the other should look new (If not, use self-stick name tags to label them “OLD” and “NEW”)
  • Timer, such as a watch with a second hand, or a timer app
  • See Zacchaeus Putting On Relay Game illustration

If the clothing items are not obviously OLD and NEW, use self-stick name tags to label them as such.
If the class has more than twelve children, double the items and play as two teams.
Clear the game path of any tables, chairs, or obstacles so children can safely walk backward.

You’re Putting Me on: Play a game with “changes.”

We have been learning about the changes that took place in Zacchaeus’s life after he began to follow Jesus. Today, when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, He begins to change our lives and make them new. The old life is gone, and a new life begins.

This is the exciting news that today’s SuperVerse tells us. Let’s say it together: 2 Corinthians 5:17:

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

Another verse compares our new life to something we often do. Our game is based on it. Galatians 3:27 says:

And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.

What do you think it means to put on Christ? Children answer.

It means to fully submit or surrender our lives to Him so people should see Him through our lives. Jesus changes us on the inside, and people should begin to see changes on the outside. What are some ways that people can see we are different on the outside? Our attitudes, words, actions.

In this game, you are going to take off the old and put on the new!

Divide the class in half and have them stand on opposite sides of the room.
Put the OLD clothes in front of one group and the NEW clothes in front of the other group.
Begin the game and start the timer.
The first player near the OLD clothes will put them on—representing the old life—and walk backward to the other side.
The player will then remove those clothes and give them to the next player in line, then quickly put on the NEW clothes to represent putting on Christ.
The player will then quickly hop, skip, or jump—full of joy—back to the other side.
The person putting on the OLD clothes may not start walking backward until the person wearing the NEW clothes reaches the other side.
Continue the game as players go back and forth between sides, exchanging clothing.
When the last player is finished, stop the timer.
Play again to beat the first time.

Conclusion: When our new lives begin, people should start to notice a difference in us. As we choose more and more to put on Christ, people will see more of Him and less of us!

Review Activity

  • A bowl of coins from the Zacchaeus Change Game
  • A small box or container
  • One assistant
  • Whiteboard
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible app
Place the box or container near one end of the room. Place a line or mark about 4–6 feet from the containers.

Coin Flipping Review: Play a game to review the Bible story.

Players will try to flip coins and then answer questions.
Divide the children into two teams, as evenly as possible.
Each player stands behind the mark and receives two coins to flip with their thumbs into the container.
Demonstrate how to flip a coin using your thumb and index finger.
The first player for Team One flips two coins, one at a time, toward the container.
The player from Team Two takes a turn doing the same thing.
The teams receive one point for each coin that is flipped into the container, only if they answer the review question correctly. If a child cannot flip a coin after two tries, allow them to place the coin in their palm and toss it.
Ask the same question to both players.
The players have five seconds on the timer to tell the assistant or teacher their answer without the other player hearing it.
Both answers are then said out loud.
If correct, both teams are awarded the points they scored from the coin flip.
If an answer is incorrect, no points are scored for that team.
If a player wasn’t able to flip a coin into the container but answers the question correctly, one point is scored.
If the correct answer is “False,” you may give a bonus point to the first team that can say what the true statement is.

Questions and Answers

1. True or False: Zacchaeus lived in Jerusalem. (False—Jericho)

2. True or False: Jesus traveled through the town of Jericho with His disciples. (True)

3. True or False: Zacchaeus was the chief priest. (False—the chief tax collector or tax collector)

4. True or False: Zacchaeus was very poor. (False—He was wealthy)

5. Why couldn’t Zacchaeus see Jesus over the crowd? (He was too short)

6. True or False: Zacchaeus climbed a Christmas tree to see Jesus. (False—Sycamore-fig tree)

7. True or False: Jesus could not see Zacchaeus in the tree. (False—He looked up and saw him)

8. True or False: Zacchaeus asked Jesus to climb up the tree to talk to him. (False—Jesus told him to come down)

9. True or False: Jesus invited Zacchaeus to be a guest in His home. (False—Jesus said He must be a guest in Zacchaeus’s home)

10. True or False: Zacchaeus refused to climb down the tree. (False—He quickly climbed down)

11. True or False: Zacchaeus was angry that Jesus invited Himself to his home. (False—He was filled with excitement and joy)

12. True or False: All the people were happy that Jesus talked with Zacchaeus. (False—They were displeased/angry)

13. True or False: The people called Zacchaeus a godly man. (False—A sinner, cheat)

14. True or False: Zacchaeus stood and said that he would give all of his wealth to the poor. (False—Half)

15. True or False: Zacchaeus said he would give back ten times what he cheated people on their taxes. (False—Four times)

16. What did Jesus say had come to Zacchaeus’s home that day? (Salvation)

17. True or False: Jesus said Zacchaeus had shown himself to be a true son of Noah. (False—Abraham)

18. True or False: Jesus called Himself the Son of Man. (True)

19. True or False: Joshua said he came to seek and save the lost. (False—Jesus)

20. True or False: Zacchaeus was an honest man before he met Jesus. (False—He was dishonest and cheated people)

Maze Activity

Make copies of the maze—one per child, plus extras.

A Surprise Guest: Trace routes from the sycamore-fig tree to Zacchaeus’s home.

Give each child a copy of the maze and a pencil. Your mission is to find three paths for Jesus and Zacchaeus to travel from the Sycamore-fig tree to Zacchaeus’s home. One is a short path, one is a medium path, and one is a long path.

Tell the children they may begin. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children complete the activity. They may color the picture after tracing the routes.

1. Can anyone remember how Chris and Joy were able to rise above the crowd? Gizmo lifted them up with his telescoping arms.

2. How do you think Zacchaeus felt as he walked with Jesus to his home? Excited, nervous, scared, proud, happy, guilty or ashamed of his sin, unworthy, etc.

3. What do you think your reaction might have been if you were part of the crowd that day? Angry, shocked, amazed, upset, confused.

4. Can you think of another time that Jesus went to a tax collector’s home to share a meal? He went to (Levi) Matthew’s home.

Have the children share the three routes that they found. Zacchaeus’s life was changed the day that he encountered Jesus. Anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior begins a new life and will never be the same!

Bible Activity

  • Bibles or Superbook App
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Pencils—one per pair of children
  • Ten index cards or small paper squares per pair of children
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with a second hand, or timer app

Out With the Old; In With the New! Look up verses about our changed life in Christ.

In this activity, we are going to look up verses about the new life that Jesus gives to us.

Have the children sit in pairs. Try to pair an experienced Bible user with a child who isn’t as familiar with the Bible. Give each pair a Bible. The experienced Bible user can quickly look up the verse while the other player writes the answer on a card or paper. If both players are experienced Bible users, the players can alternate looking up a verse and writing down the answer.

Note that the suggested answers are from the New Living Translation. If children are using different translations, their answers will vary.

I will say a Bible reference and tell you whether it is in the Old or New Testament, then write it on the board. You may start to look it up immediately, and I will then read a fill-in-the-blank question for that verse. One player in each group will write the answer on a card or square of paper and raise their hands. You have thirty seconds to do that. The first team scores ten points for the correct answer; all other teams score five points for the correct answer when you raise your hands within the time limit. Every pair will have a chance to finish, so don’t give up! The team with the most points wins. Are you ready to learn more about our exciting new life in Christ? Let’s get started!

Do as many verses as time allows. Be prepared to help any children with special needs.

1. Romans 6:4—New Testament: We are buried with Christ by baptism. And God raises us up by His glorious power, so we may live _____ lives. (New)

For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.

2. Ephesians 2:5—New Testament: We were _____ because of our sins. God gave us a new life through Christ. (Dead)

That even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)

3. Romans 8:2—New Testament: Because we belong to Christ, the life-giving Spirit has _____ us from the power of sin that leads to death. (Freed)

And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

4. Ephesians 4:24—New Testament: We must put on our new _____ because we are created to be righteous and holy like God. (Nature)

Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

5. Romans 7:6—New Testament: Through Jesus, we can now serve God in the new way of living in the _____. (Spirit)

But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.

6. Ezekiel 11:19—Old Testament: God gives us a new Spirit, and a tender, _____ heart. (Responsive)

“And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart.”

7. Galatians 3:27—New Testament: We have been united with Christ and have put on Christ, like putting on new _____. (Clothes)

And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.

8. Psalm 40:3—Old Testament: God gives us a new _____ to sing. (Song)

He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.

9. Colossians 3:10—New Testament: We should put on our new nature and be _____ as we learn to know our _____ and become like Him. (Renewed, Creator)

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him.

10. 1 Peter 2:24—New Testament: Jesus carried our sins in His body on the _____, so we can be dead to sin and live for what is _____. (Cross, Right)

He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.

Conclusion: Our new life in Christ is only just the beginning; now, we are free from sin to live for Him and experience His joy and power!