Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

God provided Moses with two faithful partners as he led the Israelites. Aaron was his spokesperson and the high priest. Joshua was his servant and assistant. Joshua led the Israelites after Moses’ death. These men provided encouragement and strength to Moses in difficult times. Chris and Joy are good friends in the Superbook adventures. God desires all of us to have Christian friends to encourage and help us along our walk with Him. When we have the same priority to love and serve God, we can strengthen one another.

Option 1: Have children form groups of three and pray for one another, that they will keep God first in their lives.

Option 2: Have the children remain together as a class as you lead them in the prayer below.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for choosing us to be Your children! We praise You for being the one true, all-powerful God who provides us with all we need! You deserve all—not part—of our worship and service. Help us to always put You first and not allow other things in this world to steal our attention and devotion to You! Your name is holy and we never want to misuse it. Thank You for meeting with us here in class as we honor You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.