Leader Guide

Commandments Game

Make two copies each of the Four Commandments Sheets

Cut apart all six boxes on each of the four sheets, making sure to keep each set of four commandments separate.

Scramble each set of commandments, keeping each set separate. Each team will receive one scrambled set of the four commandments.

Be sure to use painter’s tape for this activity, as other tape can damage walls. If you do not have painter’s tape, have children arrange the slips of paper on the floor, rather than taping them to the wall.

Do you remember our SuperTruth for today? I want you to shout it out after I count to four. I will count to four because we are talking about the first four commandments! One, two, three, four! “I will love God.”

Have the children say the first four commandments together, using the Commandment Wheels or poster. Divide the children into two teams and have each team form a line at one end of the room. Place a set of shuffled commandment slips by each team in a pile on the floor. Place two rolls of painter’s tape at a wall opposite the teams. Have sixth grade helpers or other assistants ready to help children tear off pieces of tape. The object of the game is for each team to assemble the first four commandments in order, either taping them to the wall or placing them on the floor.

Tell the children that they may look at their Commandment Wheels or the poster to help assemble the commandments. Start the race. The first player on each team selects a slip of paper, walks quickly to the wall, and tapes the slip to the wall - or places it on the floor — approximately where he or she thinks it belongs. That player then walks quickly back to the line and the next player takes a turn. As more slips of paper are used, players will need to move the slips around to correctly form each commandment. Be prepared to help any children who do not read well or who have special needs. The first team to assemble all the commandments in order wins the game.

The completed commandments should read:

  1. You must not have any other god but Me.
  2. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind.
  3. You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

Wow, that was a fun race. You all did so well! The first four commandments are all about loving and honoring God. Let's say our SuperVerse, Deuteronomy 6:5, together:

“So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.”