Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • A variety of softer balls: tennis, ping pong, sponge, beach, etc.—one ball per child. Use paper balls and balloons to supplement, if necessary
  • Stopwatch or timer

Divide the class into two groups. Give each group a variety of balls.

We are going to play a really fun game called “Who Needs Rules?” Doesn’t it sound like fun? 

We will play for exactly 2 minutes, so you have to be really fast. We just need to make sure we don’t hurt anyone by throwing the balls too hard at them. After the time is up, we will see which group wins! Are you ready to play? Ready, set, go!

Begin timing the game. As children begin to ask questions about the game, don’t give them any answers—just keep encouraging them to have fun. See what they do with the balls. If one child tries to make up rules, remind them that there are no rules in this game. After time is up, stop the game and discuss what the children thought about the game. Discuss how difficult it was to play a game without any rules and how it would be impossible to determine a winner.

Now, let’s play another game with the balls, but this time I will give you some rules. I want everyone to make two rows in the middle of the room so you each face someone else. Then you each should take four steps back from each other. For 2 minutes you will each toss a ball to the person across from you. That means you will each be tossing a ball and catching the other one at the same time. To make this easier, say “Go!” before you throw the balls each time. Keep track of how many times you both catch the balls.

After 2 minutes, have the children call out their scores to see which pair scored the highest. If time permits, have children change partners, increase the distance between them, or catch and throw the ball with only one hand.

Can you imagine playing soccer without any rules, sidelines or goals? It would be very confusing—and a game without rules could even be dangerous! The same is true with how we live our lives. Our SuperVerse, Leviticus 19:18b, says:

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

That means we should treat others the way we desire to be treated. The Ten Commandments are more than just a list of rules and regulations. God loves everyone, and He gave His rules to protect and to guide all people. The world does not always agree with God’s laws, but He created us and He loves us, so He knows what is best for us! That’s why we need to trust Him and be obedient to our heavenly Father.