Leader Guide


  • Beanbag toss game—four small beanbags per team thrown at angled boards, each with a small hole near the top; or small bucket and four balls—ping pong or tennis—per team
  • Optional: masking tape

Mark or tape starting lines for the two teams.

Note: For smaller classes, use one board or bucket.

Place the angled boards or buckets about 15 feet from the starting lines. It should be very difficult for children to throw the beanbags or balls into the hole or bucket.

God has given us the Ten Commandments to guide us and protect us. We want to obey all of them all the time, but it can be very hard sometimes. Let’s play a game where we aim to be perfect and see what happens!

Divide the children into teams and have them stand in single file at the starting line, 15 feet away from the target. Allow each child four chances to throw a beanbag or ball into the hole or bucket. Have sixth grade helpers or volunteers retrieve the beanbags or balls and give them to the next person in line.

Did anyone get a perfect score? Probably not; if someone did, allow them to keep throwing until they miss.

Is anyone here perfect—never telling the tiniest lie, never being jealous, and always obeying your parents? No!

The Bible makes it clear—we all sin and disobey God’s commandments! One definition of sin is “missing the mark.” We have all sinned, haven’t we? Yes.

Read Ecclesiastes 7:20: 

Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.

Read John 8:34:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin.”

Uh-oh, that sounds pretty serious! I don’t want to be a slave to sin! Has there ever been anyone in the whole world who never sinned at all? Jesus.

Jesus never broke a single commandment, not even once! He is the Son of God, He lived a perfect life, and He has the power to set us free from being slaves to sin! How? He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins.

When we ask Him to be our Lord and Savior, we have His promise in the Bible. Read John 8:36:

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”

Praise God! Through Jesus we receive forgiveness for our sin, and He has given us His Holy Spirit to help us hit the mark!