Leader Guide

Tossing Game

Note: If you have a large class, use more than one ball and have a sixth grade assistant or another volunteer help with a second group of children.

If possible, play this game in a gym or outside using the playground ball. If you play in a classroom, use a foam/sponge ball and be sure all chairs and tables are moved safely out of the way. Each child is given a number from 1 to 10. Throw or bounce the ball up in the air and call out a number from 1 to 10. The children move out of the way except for those whose number is called. The one who catches the ball says "STOP!" Everyone then freezes where they are, and the child calls out the commandment with the same number—referring to the Ten Commandments poster if necessary. The child then tosses the ball to the nearest person, who then throws it up in the air and calls out a different number.

Why is it important to know the Ten Commandments?

God gave us His laws for our protection and long life! He gave us guidelines and boundaries for our own good!

He doesn’t tell us to obey our parents to make life miserable for us. Instead, He gave us the fifth commandment to teach us to respect those over us and learn and grow from their experience and wisdom. God gave us the fourth commandment because we need to rest and be strengthened so we can live for His glory! The world will not tell us to rest and worship God, but God knows we get weary and need to recharge. He knows we need to spend time with Him. Read Psalm 16:11:

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever.

In God’s presence we find joy, rest and satisfaction. In His presence we receive instruction and our faith is renewed!

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will obey God’s rules even when the world says I don’t have to.”