Leader Guide

Book Object Lesson

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Small paperback book
  • Heavy book

Ask a volunteer to read aloud James 2:10:

For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.

Sin is wrong in God’s eyes. It doesn’t matter if we’ve broken one commandment only once or many of them a lot of times. In God’s eyes we have missed the mark and are not perfect. We all sin and miss the mark—but because God is merciful and loves us, He will forgive us if we ask.

Display the paperback book and the heavy book.

The small book represents one sin, and the heavy book represents a lot of sins.

Hold the items straight out. Which book will hit the ground first?

Drop both items at the same time. They will hit the floor at the same time. Allow a few children to try the activity. Substitute other available items such pens and pencils.

This is how God weighs our sins. Some may seem bigger or smaller than others, but in God’s eyes they are all the same—they pull us down, away from Him. God doesn’t want anything to separate us from Him. He loves us and is eager to forgive us. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, to fulfill the law and die for us so we can be forgiven. Until our next lesson, let’s remember to ask for God’s power to turn away from sin and turn toward Jesus, who gives us His power to obey. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will obey God’s rules even when the world says I don’t have to.”