Leader Guide


Print the Telescope Pattern, one per child; make a sample to display.

Distribute scissors and a copy of the Telescope Pattern to each child, and have the children cut them out. Demonstrate how to roll side B under side A and secure with tape according to the pattern. When complete, the children will have an interesting reminder of today’s Superbook story to take home.

You made some pretty neat looking telescopes!

Who has ever used a real telescope?

What did you see?

Have you ever looked at the stars, the sun, or moon through a telescope?

Our wonderful Creator, God, made the heavens and Earth and all that is in them. And even more amazing, He didn’t lift a finger; He spoke it all into existence! Yes, creation was a totally hands-free operation! Our God is awesome! 

A telescope allows you to view something that is far away as if it were up close. You can see things in detail as you focus on them. Take a look around the room with your telescopes and see if you notice anything that you haven’t noticed before.

Allow children a minute to explore a bit. If you have an outside window, allow a few children at a time to use their telescopes to observe creation.

What did you see?

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

For the next two lessons, I want to challenge you to notice things about God’s creation that are especially interesting or exciting to you—and then take time to thank God for what He has made. You don’t need to use the telescope to look around, but place it in your room as a reminder to do this challenge. Before our next lesson, I want you to look for bugs or insects that God created. Try to observe them in the day and also at night. But be sure to go outside with a parent or older member of your family when you explore at night. Make a list of what you see. During your prayer time, remember to thank God for how wonderful and unique His creation is. Next time we meet, bring your lists to class, and we will talk about the things you observed and why you think they are special.