Leader Guide

Drama Activity

Genesis tells us that when God created the world, He saw that it was good! He took pleasure in His creation, and He wants us to enjoy it, too. Now let’s do a skit about the Garden of Eden.

Ask three children to come up front and pretend to be Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. All the other children should pretend to be any kind of animals that they choose. As you tell the story, pause to have the children act it out. 


  • Adam and Eve are very happy living in the Garden of Eden. 
  • They like to lead all the animals around as they skip in circles … 
  • Jump over big rocks … 
  • Swim in the river … 
  • Dive deep down underwater …
  • And hold their breath as they point to ten different fish. 
  • Adam, Eve, and the animals like to climb really high trees … 
  • And imitate the silly monkeys! 
  • They also like to reach up to pet the giraffes’ heads … 
  • And get on the camels to take some very bumpy rides. 
  • One day, Satan sneaked into the Garden disguised as a snake. 
  • First he swam through the river … 
  • Then slithered over a rock … 
  • And then up a tree. 
  • Oh, no! Is that the tree God told Adam and Eve not to eat from?
  • The animals nod their heads five times—yes! 
  • The serpent waves and smiles at Eve … 
  • Then points to the fruit on a high branch … 
  • And rubs his tummy to show how good that fruit tastes.
  • The animals wonder what Eve will do, so they scratch their heads five times with one hand.
  • Oh my, Eve is reaching up as high as she can … 
  • And she gets on her tip-toes to pick a piece of that fruit! 
  • Look! She is taking a bite—no, bigger than that—a huge bite! 
  • Now she goes over to Adam and holds out the fruit to him … 
  • And she smiles and rubs her tummy to show how good it is.  
  • The animals wonder what Adam will do, so they raise their eyebrows up and down while scratching their heads with both hands.  
  • Oh my, he’s taking a bite—a really huge bite, too!  
  • Adam, Eve, and all the animals run and hide before God comes back to the Garden.

Have the children clap for the performance and sit down. God knew what was best for Adam and Eve, so He did not want them to sin and eat from the tree. God gives us His rules because He knows what is best for us, too. Does God love us when we make mistakes or sin? Yes.

What should we do when we disobey God? Ask for His forgiveness; learn from our mistakes; pray for His help to be obedient in the future.