Leader Guide

Memory Game

Let’s get to know each other better while we think of some things God created.  Going around the circle, ask each child to say his or her name followed by something special God created that starts with the same letter or sound. Go first to show them what to do. For example: My name is Brenda. Explain: My name starts with a “B,” so I’ll choose an animal that starts with that letter. God created me, and God created bears. Each child then says, “My name is _____. God created me, and God created _____.”

Go around the circle again and have the first child say your name and item: Brenda, bears, followed by the child’s own name and item. Kristin, koalas. The next child continues the pattern: Brenda, bears; Kristin, koalas; then adds his or her own name and item, and so on. How far around the circle can you go before someone forgets one of the previous names or items?