Leader Guide


Attach the cloth or paper to the stick or ruler to resemble a flag.

Print the Temptation Cube Pattern, one per child.

Note: If time is short, you may choose to make just one cube ahead of time and use it for the activity.

Make one cube as a sample.

Make copies of Telescope Pattern, for any children who missed the previous lesson.

Temptation happens to everyone. What can we do when we are tempted? Pray; read the Bible; get advice from an adult you trust; spend time with Christian friends; think about the bad things that would happen if you gave in.

God created us to do good things; but our enemy, Satan, wants to stop us. The Bible gives us instructions to fight back against the devil. Hold up the white flag. Do you know what it means to hold up a white flag in a battle? Surrender!

Wait a minute, do you think God really wants us to surrender? That doesn’t sound like something God would tell His children to do! We’d better read a scripture in the book of James to clear this up! 

Read James 4:7 (cev):

Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. 

So when the devil tempts us to sin, do we throw our hands up? Hold hands in air with the flag. Do we wave our white flag to surrender to him? NO!

Well, it says to surrender, doesn’t it? 

OH!—we should surrender to God, not the devil! What else does this verse say we must do to win the fight against temptation? Resist the devil.

This verse tells us to do two things—surrender to God and resist the devil! To fight against temptation, God gives us this powerful one-two, knockout punch. Do left, right punching motion with hands.

If we use this powerful combination, what does our verse tell us will happen? The devil will run from you.

This is a very important verse to hide in your heart for times when you are dealing with temptation!

If time is limited, use the cube that you have already made for the game. If time allows, distribute the Temptation Cube Pattern page to each child. Have them cut out the pattern, fold on each of the dotted lines to form a cube, and tape the edges.

Read the temptations below, and have everyone toss their cubes to see what options appear for each situation. Discuss the options and possible consequences—good or bad. If you are using just one cube for the group, have several children toss it for each situation.


List of temptations: 

  • Cheat on a test to get a good grade.
  • Lie when you did something wrong.
  • Play a video game you are not allowed to play.
  • Hit someone who is mean to you.
  • Gossip about someone who is different.
  • Take something that doesn’t belong to you.
  • Delay obeying your parents, hoping they’ll forget what they asked you to do.
  • Use a computer site your parents told you not to use.

Explain that although the movie ended with Adam and Eve separated from the Garden of Eden, that is not the end of the story.

What did God do to provide for our future? He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.

When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for our sins. He forgave us so we can live in heaven with Him someday. This is God’s wonderful plan.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application 

The last time we were together, I challenged you to notice things in God’s creation that you especially appreciate using the telescope we made in class if you wanted, and to praise God for what He has done. Give children who were absent a telescope pattern to make at home.

For those of you who have already started our challenge, what bugs or insects did you observe during the day?

What bugs or insects did you notice at night?

What makes them special, and why are you thankful for them?

It’s good to be thankful for the great things God has made! And YOU are His masterpieces!

Let’s continue the challenge to observe and appreciate God’s creation. This time, look for animals during the day and also for other animals that are only active at night. This type of animal is called nocturnal. Be sure to take an adult with you when you observe at night. Remember to praise God for His awesome creations! Make a list of your observations and bring it to class so we can discuss the cool creations God has placed on Earth.