Leader Guide

Drawing Activity

Have children say the SuperVerse. Ephesians 2:10:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

Distribute a copy of the God’s Masterpiece Pattern and several markers to each child. Tell the children to use each square to make a simple drawing or symbol of something that describes them. In the first corner, children should write and decorate their names to express their personalities. In the next square, they should draw a picture of their family. In the bottom left corner, they should draw a picture of a hobby or something they like to do. In the last corner, they should write or draw a picture of something good that they do. Remind children that by doing good things, we are not trying to earn our way into heaven, because Jesus did that for us on the cross. We do good things in thankfulness to God, to obey Him, and to follow His plan for our lives!

Allow children to briefly share their “masterpieces” with the entire group. They can take them home, or you may post these pictures in the classroom for future lessons, if your site allows.