Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Stopwatch, timer, or watch with second hand
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Have one child leave the room with an adult or teen helper while the remaining group forms a circle and chooses one person to be their leader. The leader begins doing a simple activity such as patting his or her tummy, clapping hands, or stomping a foot. The rest of the group must follow whatever the leader is doing. After about 10 seconds, the leader changes the activity to something else. As soon as the rest of the group notices the change, they follow whatever the leader is doing.

Have the child who left the room return and try to figure out who is beginning each new activity. The group tries to keep this a secret for as long as possible. If you have a sharp group, tell the leader to wait until the guesser isn’t looking before an activity is changed. Once the leader has been identified, that child must leave the room with a helper while someone new is chosen to be the next leader. If time permits, continue until everyone has a chance to lead and guess.

When the game is over, remind children how easy it is to follow others who choose to disobey, especially when there are a lot of them. 

We are very fortunate to have a wonderful leader we can follow all the time. That person is Jesus! Jesus is a great model of how God wants us to act. When children are faced with a tempting decision, encourage them to think about Jesus and how He would guide them to make the right choice.