Leader Guide

Object Lesson: Liquids

  • One bottle of canola oil
  • Pitcher of water
  • Two large, clear containers
  • Red food coloring
  • Mixing spoon

We have been learning about how sin came into the world. 

Hold up the pitcher of water and tell the children that the water represents God. It is pure and clean. Ask a child to pour some water into the first container. Hold up the canola oil and explain that the oil represents sin. Ask a different child to pour some oil into the container with the water. Invite the children to come up and look at it carefully. 

Is the oil mixing with the water? No.

Hold up oil.

When you try to mix sin together with God, they separate. A consequence of sin is separation from God. Remember how God walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. That was God’s plan, to walk with us and to have fellowship with us. But, Adam and Eve sinned; and instead of walking with God, they hid from God. They were filled with guilt and shame from their disobedience. Sin had broken their relationship with God.

Ask another child to pour some water into the second container. Hold up the red food coloring. 

This red food coloring represents God’s plan through Jesus, His Son. He shed His blood when He died on the cross to forgive our sins. This plan brings us back to God and restores that wonderful relationship He planned for us from the beginning. 

Have another child pour some red food coloring into the water. Gently stir the dye and water. 

Do you see how the red is mixing nicely with the water? There is no separation like with the oil/sin and water/God. God’s plan brings us back into a relationship with Him. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God has a plan to bring me back to Him.”