Leader Guide


  • Fourteen round balloons—they may be various colors, sizes and shapes to make the game more fun and challenging
  • If balloons are unavailable, substitute paper or plastic bags, or sheets of paper
  • Ten unbreakable plates: paper, Styrofoam or plastic
  • For classes with more than 12 children, create additional teams of 6 children with one additional balloon and plate per child
  • Black permanent marker
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk

For larger classes, make more teams. Add a balloon and plate per child on additional teams.

For younger children, write the SuperTruth on the board. For older children, you may wish to make the game more challenging by not having this on the board.

Blow up the balloons and tie them closed. If using bags, fill them with air and seal shut as much as possible.

Write one word from the SuperTruth on each of the ten balloons. Each word will be on two balloons to make two complete sets. For larger classes, make more sets.

Write “Possible” on two of the remaining balloons, and write “Everything” on two of the remaining balloons.

Optional: to make the game easier for younger children, write “All” and “Great” on these balloons.

Who remembers our SuperTruth?

Let’s all say it together: “Nothing is impossible with God.”

We are going to play a challenging game.

Here’s a clue: It’s important to remember each word in the SuperTruth so you can quickly recognize any words that are NOT in the SuperTruth! It might be difficult, or maybe even impossible? Let’s find out!

Divide the class into teams of six children each. If there are fewer than twelve children, some may need to hold two plates—one in each hand.

Have the teams stand at opposite ends of the room.

Place all balloons randomly in the center of the floor between the teams.

Give five paper plates to each team.

Five players for each team stand in a horizontal line, shoulder to shoulder, each holding a plate.

The sixth player for each team will gather the balloons. If that player cannot read, a volunteer should help the child.

Say “Go!”

The gatherer for each team quickly walks to the balloons and picks one balloon with a word from the SuperTruth. Players must be careful not to take one of the four balloons with words that are not in the SuperTruth—“possible” and “everything.” If they do, they must return it before they get a different balloon.

The gatherers then quickly walk back to their teams and place the balloon on the plate held by the player on the left. The SuperTruth must be displayed from left to right.

Players must balance their plates so balloons don’t roll off. That player begins gently bouncing the balloon in the air with the plate. If a balloon falls, only the player gathering balloons can put it back on the plate.

When the entire SuperTruth appears in order on the plates, the whole team shouts the SuperTruth. The first team to do so scores one point. Play continues until all teams have assembled and shouted the SuperTruth.

If time permits, mix all of the balloons in the middle again and continue to play with a different gatherer for each team.

The team with the highest score wins.

For an additional challenge, the gatherer must bounce the balloon in the air instead of simply carrying it back to their team.

Conclusion: That looked like fun! Was it difficult to balance and bounce the balloons?

Did your arms begin to get tired?

It may have been difficult; however, it wasn’t impossible, right?

Let’s learn more about how God performed what was really impossible for people!