Leader Guide


  • Balloon, plus extras in case of breakage
  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse and reference on the board.

Our SuperVerse is Luke 1:37:

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

This is a great verse to memorize! It is only six words and you can quickly speak it in faith wherever you are—in any situation! Because of the game we played earlier, many of you can probably say the verse from memory right now. Raise your hand to try! Call on a few children who raise their hands. Have them say the SuperVerse with their eyes closed.

Hold the balloon as you stand in a circle with the children. Larger classes may split into two or more circles, with one balloon per circle.

Explain that you will throw the balloon up and say the first word of the SuperVerse, then the next child in the circle should quickly say the second word, and so on.

The goal is for the children to complete the entire verse one word at a time—including the reference, if possible!—before the balloon falls to the ground.

Once the balloon is thrown, no one should try to keep it in the air longer.

When the balloon lands on the floor, whoever is closest to it should retrieve it, throw it up in the air, and say the first word. The next child says the next word, and play continues.

Children may look at the board if they are having difficulty.

After a couple of rounds, erase the verse from the board.