Leader Guide

SuperTruth Game

  • SuperTruth Word Sheets—two pages
  • Cardstock—one piece per two children for Word Sheet 1, and one piece per sixteen children for Word Sheet 2
  • Scissors
  • Small bags or envelopes—two for every two children, to hold the letter sets
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Make copies of the SuperTruth Word Sheets according to the quantities listed above, plus extras.

Cut apart the individual letters from Sheet 1, one sheet at a time; do not mix sheets!

Place each set of letters in a separate bag.

Cut out the letters G, O, D from Sheet 2 and place in a bag.

Place each set of three letters, G, O, D, in a separate bag.

Divide children into pairs. If possible, place an older child with a younger child to form the pairs. Give each pair a bag of letters from Word Sheet 1. Keep the bags of Word Sheet 2 letters out of sight. Have each pair of children find a place to sit and empty their letters from the bag. Tell the children to try and build the SuperTruth as quickly as they can. Give them a few minutes. Soon they will discover that it is impossible without “GOD.” Then, hand the Word Sheet 2 bags to each pair to finish their phrases.

Great work! Why was it impossible to finish the SuperTruth? God was missing.

Yes, you found out pretty quickly that without God, it was impossible. When you added God to your work, suddenly it was possible with God!

Optional: If time permits have children scramble their letters and turn them face down on the floor. Say “Go,” and see which pair can complete the SuperTruth in order first. Allow children to compete for second and third place, too.