Leader Guide


  • Psalm 136 Reading Sheet
  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Optional: fifth or sixth grade reader
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Optional: before class begins, give the Psalm 136 reading sheet to a fifth or sixth grader and explain how to read each verse aloud, allowing time for the class to give the responses. On the board, write "God’s love never fails.”

Have you ever done a responsive reading?

That is when someone reads a line or a verse, then others answer or respond. Sharing with God what we need or want is just one part of prayer. Praise, thanksgiving, and speaking God’s Word is a powerful and important part of prayer.

Let’s praise and thank God in our responsive reading and prayer, now. Our reading is several verses from Psalm 136 (cev). I will read the first part of the verse and you will respond with the second part of the verse. My reading will be different each time, but your response will always be the same: God’s love never fails. Let’s say it together. God’s love never fails.

Can you say it without looking?

Good! Then I would like you to close your eyes and say it by heart after I read each verse. We are praising God with this Psalm as our prayer today! Ready?

1 Praise the Lord! He is good. God’s love never fails.

2 Praise the God of all gods. God’s love never fails.

3 Praise the Lord of lords. God’s love never fails.

4 Only God works great miracles. God’s love never fails.

5 With wisdom He made the sky. God’s love never fails.

6 The Lord stretched the earth over the ocean. God’s love never fails.

7 He made the bright lights in the sky. God’s love never fails.

8 He lets the sun rule each day. God’s love never fails.

9 He lets the moon and the stars rule each night. God’s love never fails.

25 He gives food to all who live. God’s love never fails.

26 Praise God in heaven! God’s love never fails.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Optional: have a fifth or sixth grade reader practice the verses ahead of time and lead the reading. You may also alternate responses between girls and boys.

When we speak God’s Word, it builds and strengthens our faith! See Romans 10:17. Today’s SuperTruth tells us that God’s Word never fails. Now, consider this—God’s Word never fails, and His Word tells us that God’s love never fails, either! Now that is something we can trust! No matter what we do or say, even when we fail, God’s love for us never will!

Close in prayer: Dear God, Your Word and Your love never fail! Help us learn to speak Your Word back to You in prayer! Your Word is Your will and does all that You say! In this world, people and things will fail, but Your Word can always be trusted. May we always believe and take hold of the promises that You give us in Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In His name we pray, Amen.