Leader Guide

Blindfold Game

  • Two blindfolds
  • Eight sheets of cardstock
  • Four Name Card Patterns
  • Two rolls of painters or masking tape
  • String—about 6 inches per child, plus extra
  • Scissors
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Volunteers to blindfold children and give them strings

Make two copies each of the four Name Card patterns on cardstock.

Tape two sets of Name Cards to a wall at least 8 feet apart, one set for each team.

Tape the first card at a height that even the shortest student can reach. A few inches below it, tape the next card, and so forth, until the four cards are in a column with a few inches between each.

Cut 6-inch pieces of string, one per child plus extras.

Remove any obstacles or tripping hazards near the wall.

This game has to do with what we learned in our Signposts video today!

Read Luke 1:5:

When Herod was king of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zechariah. He was a member of the priestly order of Abijah, and his wife, Elizabeth, was also from the priestly line of Aaron.

Zechariah and Elizabeth were descendants of Aaron from the priestly tribe of Levi. Aaron was the brother of Moses, and he accompanied Moses to confront Pharaoh, Egypt’s ruler. John the Baptist also boldly confronted an ungodly ruler—a king! Do you remember his name? King Herod.

The priests who served Israel were descendants of Aaron. Not only was Zechariah from Aaron’s family tree, so was Elizabeth, his wife. In Luke 1:76, Zechariah prophesied that his son would prepare the way for the Lord. God connected these people together to fulfill His grand plan! This game is similar to Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Your job is to re-connect the people!

Divide the class into two teams; they do not need to be exactly equal.

Have each team form a single-file line several feet away from their set of name cards on the wall.

Give each child a string with a piece of tape they will use to stick the tape to the wall.

Both teams play at the same time.

Explain that the goal is to tape pieces of string to connect all four name cards together.

A volunteer should stand with each team to blindfold players for their turns.

The blindfolded players will walk toward the cards; other players on the team should call out instructions to help guide them in where to tape the string: up, down, right, left, etc.

Each player will try to tape his/her string on one of the team’s cards in such a way that the string hangs down to touch another card beneath it. It will take at least 3 strings to connect the 4 cards—but probably more, because we’re doing this blindfolded!

Once the string is taped to the wall or to a Name Card, it should not be moved.

The player then removes the blindfold and walks quickly back to the team, and the next player takes a turn.

The first team to connect all four cards with their strings wins!

Optional: You may gently spin blindfolded players three times before they walk toward the wall.

Conclusion: It is amazing to see how God connects people and events together over thousands of years to fulfill His promises and complete His plan!