Leader Guide

Puzzle Game

  • Crossword Puzzle, one copy for each pair of children
  • Pencils
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Create teams of two children. Pair younger children or those with special need with older children, and weaker readers with stronger readers.

Give one Puzzle Pattern and pencil to each pair.

The pairs of children will work together to look up the verses and complete their puzzle.

In this activity, you will work in pairs to look up and read verses in the first chapter of Luke to solve a crossword puzzle. You will have 10 minutes to work on your puzzles. Then, we will go over them and you will be able to share your answers and complete any questions you were unable to finish.Give children time to work on their puzzles and then discuss the answers together.

Conclusion: God always keeps His promises. Today, we can trust Him just like the people did in the Bible. His Word never fails!