Leader Guide

Challenge Game

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App 
  • Permanent marker
  • Optional: painters or masking tape  
  • Twelve balloons plus extras in case of breakage: at least three balloons each in four different colors, one color per team; smaller classes may use fewer balloons
  • Four pool noodles or small brooms to guide balloons toward the goal

Blow up the balloons and tie closed.

On each team’s set of balloons, write one word on each balloon: Heart, Soul, Strength. 

Mark or tape a starting line near one end of the room.

Mark or tape another line about 10–12 feet from the starting line.

This game is based on our SuperVerse, so let’s say it together. Deuteronomy 6:4–5:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”

The verse tells us that we must love God with our entire being; we cannot hold anything back! We are to love God inwardly in our minds and hearts, and outwardly through our words and actions. The verse tells us that God wants us to surrender ourselves totally to Him. In fact, Jesus said that this is the most important commandment!

Optional: Read Mark 12:29–30:

Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’”

Hold up each balloon as you speak. For each team, one balloon represents your heart, one balloon represents your soul, and one balloon represents your strength. Each player on each team will have to take their heart, soul and strength balloons to the goal line. The journey represents how we should live each day, and the goal line represents God. Getting all three of your balloons to the goal represents giving your entire self to God.

Hold up the pool noodle or broom. The hard part is that you must use this to sweep all three balloons to the goal at the same time! When you reach the goal, scoop up your balloons and carry them back to the next player on your team, along with your “sweeper.” Once everyone on your team is finished, shout the SuperVerse as loud as you can so we know who won!

Divide the children into equal teams and have them line up behind the starting mark. Give the first player on each team a pool noodle or broom, plus a set of three balloons marked Heart, Soul and Strength. Start the game. Be prepared to help children with special needs. The first team to complete the race and shout the SuperVerse wins. 

Optional: For younger children, you may tie the three balloons of each set together to make it easier to sweep them to the goal.

That looked like a lot of fun, but it wasn’t easy, was it?

Loving God with our whole self takes a lot of energy and focus! It isn’t enough to just give part of ourselves. What if we just thought about loving God but our actions and words didn’t show love? Jesus showed His love by giving His life for us on the cross—so we want to show our thankfulness by giving ourselves to Him—heart, soul and strength. God deserves all of our love!