Leader Guide


Copy Interview Questions, one per group.

Optional: Read 1 Kings 18:19–39 as a class.

Divide the class into groups of 3 to 5 children. Give each group a copy of the Interview Questions and assign them which character to interview. If there are more than four groups, divide the questions among the groups. Make sure each group has at least one Bible to reference for the story details.

Each group should develop a 2-minute skit about a news reporter interviewing people on Mount Carmel just after God answered Elijah’s prayer by sending fire. One child should be the reporter and the other children should play the Israelites, Baal prophets, Elijah, or King Ahab. Children may change the questions if desired, and characters should show emotion as they answer. Skits may be humorous but should be accurate and true to the story. Allow a few minutes for groups to prepare and practice, then have them act out their skits for the class.

Optional: Give children Bible costumes to wear for their skits.  

Interview questions: 

Ask the Israelites:

  • Why didn’t any Israelites answer when Elijah asked you to make a choice between God and Baal? 
  • What did you think when Elijah poured water on the altar?
  • What were you feeling when the fire came from heaven?
  • How do you feel about God now?  

Ask the Baal prophets:

  • What did you think of Elijah before this challenge?
  • When you heard that Elijah was standing all alone against 450 Baal prophets, how did you feel?

Ask King Ahab:

  • How did you feel when Elijah stood alone against hundreds of Baal prophets?
  • At what point did you start to get a little nervous?

Ask Elijah:

  • What did King Ahab do that was so wrong?
  • How did you get the courage to confront the king and hundreds of his false prophets?
  • What did you want to show the people of Israel through this challenge?