Leader Guide


On each of the six paper bags, write one word: God, Me, Relationships, Work, School, Fun.

Copy the Paper Cross Pattern, one cross per child plus extras. Cut the crosses apart and place them in the “God” bag.

Copy the My Time Wheel Pattern for any children who missed the previous lesson.

Display the sample craft made in Lesson 1 for the children as they make their own.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will not trust the idols of this world.”

In our Bible story about Elijah, what was the name of the false god or idol? Baal.

In the video, Israel’s king had a huge statue of Baal made so his wife and everyone in the kingdom could worship a false god. King Ahab cared more about pleasing his evil wife, Jezebel, than obeying and pleasing the Lord, the Creator of heaven and Earth!   

Idols like Baal are common in some cultures of the world. However, idols are not only figures or statues; they can be anything that distracts us from putting God first in our lives.  

God is very clear about this in the Ten Commandments, which we can read in Exodus 2. The first two commandments say this: 1. You must not have any other god but Me. 2. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind. 

Did you notice that God said an idol of “any kind”?

He did not limit an idol to a certain shape or material! So, let’s take a look at how different things—even good things—can become idols in our lives and distract us from putting God first!

Place the “God” bag on the table. Do not let the children see that there is anything in it. In the beginning, God created the universe. He is first, He is supreme, He is all-powerful, He made everything in the world, and He made us! 

Place the “Me” bag on the table directly next to the God bag. This bag represents each one of us—including you and me! God created us to have a close relationship with Him; that is His will for everyone. He should be first in our lives. He created us, so He knows what is best for us. God wants us to spend time with Him each day, to read His Word, pray, and listen to His voice in our hearts. Why? So He can show us His love, protect us, guide us, etc. So we will know how to live our lives to please Him.

We also have other things in our lives.

One by one, hold up the four remaining bags. Read the bag’s title aloud and ask the children to describe what that category may include. Use that bag to push the “God” bag aside, and put the new bag next to “Me.”

  • Relationships: Family, friends, teachers, coaches, pastors, etc.  
  • Work: Tasks, chores, jobs, and careers.
  • School: Studying and education.  
  • Fun: Sports, music, hobbies, video games, movies, TV/computer, volunteer or charity work with clubs and organizations.    

Are these things good or bad?

There is nothing wrong with any of these things. The problem is if we think something good is more important than the best. And Who is the best? God!

Oh no! What happened to the “God” bag?

Other things took God’s place and pushed Him away. He no longer holds first place in our lives. We don’t want to become so busy doing something good that we don’t have time for our relationship with our Creator!

This is important—each of these things is fine as long as they aren’t a distraction and take God’s place in our hearts. If this happens, it becomes an idol to us and God is not pleased! Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 1 John 5:21:

Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.

One by one, hold up the Relationship, Work, School, and Fun bags to show the children that they are empty.

Then hold up the Me bag and show that it is empty. Without God, our lives are empty.

Finally, hold up the God bag and show that it is full. God is the source of everything! What are some things that God gives us? Life, salvation, love, forgiveness, power, healing, family, joy, peace, hope.

God is up in heaven. So how did He show us all of these wonderful things? Jesus.

Jesus died on the cross to pay the punishment for our sins.

Put a cross into the Me bag. I want God’s salvation, love and forgiveness in my life! So I asked Jesus to come into my heart. 

Put crosses into the other bags as well. When we ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, He is at the center of our lives, then we can serve Him through our relationships, in our work, at school, and even while we are having fun! When we pray, He will show us how to spend our time, and what things we should not do.

Give a cross to each child, then place the “God” bag next to the “Me” bag. Here is a reminder to keep Christ at the center of your life. Let’s read the verse on the cross together. Isaiah 26:13:

You alone are the One we worship.

Conclusion: When we allow other things to take God’s time and place in our hearts it becomes an idol to us. We need to be careful to keep balance in our lives. Never allow things to replace our time with God—even good things! This is what our Discipleship Challenge is all about!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application 

Hand out a My Time Wheel Pattern to children who were not present for lesson one and explain how to make it at home. Display the model you made.

Who can share an experience of what happened when you put God first last time? 

Remember, there is nothing more important to us than our relationship with God. We want to spend time with Him every day—worshipping Him, reading our Bibles, praying, and listening to His voice in our hearts.