Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Two round balloons
  • Permanent marker
  • Medium size box
  • Volunteers to take the balloons from the boxes back to the players   

Blow up the balloons and tie closed.

Draw a large heart on each balloon with the marker.

Place a mark near one end of the room.

Place the box about 20 feet away from the mark.

We have been discussing how God is looking for anyone whose heart is loyal to Him. Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 2 Chronicles 16:9a:

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

Being loyal to God is to trust Him and to be devoted to Him alone. That means we will not allow other things to take God’s place in our heart. We want to give God our whole heart—and in our game today we will do just that! We will each have a chance to give our heart to God.

Point to the box and hold up the balloon. The box represents God, and the balloon hearts represent your heart.

Divide the children into two even teams. Have them form two single-file lines behind the mark. Give the first player on each team a balloon. Each player will travel to the box while keeping the balloon in the air by gently bouncing it upward with their hands until they toss it into the box. If a balloon touches the floor, the player must pick it up and start from that spot.

Once the balloon is in the box, a volunteer should quickly take it back to the next player in line. Players who have completed the trip should remain at the box and cheer as other team members toss their balloons into the box.

The first team to finish wins, but continue playing until every player has “given their heart to God.” You may choose to play additional rounds or have children play twice in a round depending on class size and time. 

You may make the game more challenging for older children by having them:

  • Travel backwards.
  • Bounce the balloon alternating hands each time.
  • Travel sideways.
  • Travel while hopping.
  • Bounce the balloon alternating between head and hand.
  • Bounce the balloon with elbows.
  • Bounce the balloon with knees.
  • Bounce the balloon with feet.      

Conclusion: Great job taking your hearts to God! When we give our hearts to God, we are telling God that we will trust in Him alone—that we are committed to Him alone. God promises that He will show Himself strong in the lives of those who are loyal to Him!