Leader Guide

Card Game

Make two copies each of the six Thoughts and Ways Cards pages.

Cut apart the individual cards to make two sets of 24 unique cards. Do not mix the sets.

Make one copy of the Heaven and Earth Signs. Cut apart the two signs.

Be sure to use painters tape or masking tape that will not damage the wall.

Tape the Heaven sign about 7–8 feet high on the wall.

Tape the Earth sign about 3 feet from the floor and directly below the Heaven sign.

Tape a 2–3 foot vertical line on the wall below each sign to divide the playing area in half. See illustration.

Place the two tape rolls on the floor next to the wall.

Shuffle one card set and place the deck face-down on the floor about 6 feet from the wall.

Do the same with the other set. Leave about 6 feet of space between the piles. 

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Isaiah 55:9:

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, My thoughts and My ways are higher than yours.”

In this game, each pile has two kinds of cards: higher thoughts and ways that belong to God and lower thoughts and ways that belong to people. Players will walk quickly to their team’s pile of cards and select one, then quickly walk to the wall, tear off a small strip of tape, and tape the card under the Heaven sign or the Earth sign—whichever the player thinks is correct. Keep the cards on your team’s side of the dividing line. If a player reads the card and doesn’t understand the word, that card can be placed back in the pile and the player may select another card.

The player will then quickly return to their team line and the next player takes a turn. If a team believes that a sign has been placed under the wrong sign, another player may change it on his/her turn. The first team to place all of their signs correctly wins.

Divide the children into two teams. Mix older and younger children on both teams.

Have the teams stand several feet apart and in line with a pile of cards. If you prefer, a teacher and another leader or volunteers may stand near the wall and tear off strips of tape for the players.

Conclusion: As we read God’s Word and pray, we will sense God speaking to our hearts. The more we spend time with Jesus, the more we can be like Him.