Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • A small ball (tennis ball, rubber ball) for each team of four children

Write the following on the board:

    1. Throw.
    2. Roll.
    3. Bounce.
    4. Shout the SuperTruth: “I will do my part in God’s plan.”

In Large Group, you were asked to notice what the priests did as the Ark of God was carried into the Temple. Can someone tell me the answer? They blew the horns or ram’s horns.

They did their part in the dedication of the Temple. Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “I will do my part in God’s plan.”  

Today, you will be assigned fun parts to do as teams. These represent tasks that you might do as you serve God. Are you ready for the challenge? Let’s play!

This game is the most fun if played outdoors, in a gym, or in a large space.

Options for smaller classes or smaller spaces:

  • Play only two teams at a time, then hold playoffs, with the winners of each round competing to determine the fastest team.
  • Play with only three children per team and eliminate shouting the SuperTruth.
  • Teachers and assistants can play if necessary to complete teams.

Divide the class into teams of four children. The teams will line up in rows (see illustration above) with about 6–8 feet between each player. If space permits, have all teams play at the same time. Give a ball to the first player on each team.

Use the board to explain each player’s purpose for each position:

  • Player 1 throws the ball to Player 2.
  • Player 2 catches the ball and rolls it to Player 3.
  • Player 3 catches the ball and bounces it to Player 4.
  • Player 4 catches the ball and shouts the SuperTruth.

Everyone rotates positions, with Player 4 carrying the ball to stand where Player 1 was. Continue playing until every member of the team has been in each position. The first team to finish wins. Play additional rounds as time permits.    

Conclusion: You did every job well! God rewards everyone for faithfully doing their part. Now, let’s discuss this more in today’s teaching.