Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

In the Bible story, the workers had different jobs, such as cutting, shaping, carrying, assembling, or cleaning. Each job was important for God’s plan to be completed to His specifications. Everyone worked with the same purpose.    

Let’s pray and ask God to show each of us what our part is in His work. We all have general parts in the work of His kingdom, like sharing the Gospel. Yet, there are also specific tasks He wants us to do at home, church or school. The Holy Spirit lives in us. When we take time to listen, He will tell us what to do and give us the power to obey. Maybe He wants you to sit with someone at lunch who has no friends. Maybe He wants you to pray for someone who is sad or sick. Maybe He wants you to help an elderly neighbor by cutting the grass or taking out the trash each week. There are many different parts to play in God’s plan!

Please close your eyes, sit quietly in God’s presence, and allow Him to speak to your heart. Ask Him to show you the part He has for you. Allow time for children to sit in God’s presence and pray.

Close in prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You that there is a part for each one of us in Your grand plan. Please speak to us each day as we open our hearts to Your guidance. Help us to listen and be ready to do our part. In Jesus’ wonderful name we pray, Amen.