Leader Guide

Drawing Activity

  • Butcher paper or poster boards; four feet of paper or 2 poster boards per group of 3 to 5 children
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Scissors
  • Optional: tables
  • Tape 

Write two scenes on the board:

Scene 1: David gathers and prepares the materials.

Scene 2: Solomon builds God’s Temple.

Can someone say today’s SuperTruth from memory? “I will do my part in God’s plan.”

In this activity, you will create murals with two scenes. Point to the board as you read the scenes.

Scene 1

Before his death, King David did his part and made preparations to build the Temple. He had workers cut out stones from the quarry and shape them. He provided gold, silver, iron, and bronze. He also provided so many cedar logs that they couldn’t be counted. All the materials had to be carried and stored for Solomon to use. (See 1 Chronicles 22:2–5,14–15.)

Optional: show image of the preparation of materials from the beginning of the video.  

Scene 2

Solomon did his part and built the Temple following the plans that God gave to David, his father. (See 1 Chronicles 28.)

Optional: show image of the Temple around 16:47 of video.

Divide the class into groups of 3–5 children, mixing boys and girls, older and younger children. Lay out the sections of butcher paper across the tables or on the floor.

If using poster boards, tape two poster boards together side by side for each group.

Give each group crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers.

Instruct the groups to draw a line down the center of their butcher paper to separate the two scenes. If using poster board, use one board for each scene.

Tape the finished murals on the wall. Have groups share their murals with everyone.

Conclusion: You really illustrated the two scenes well! God had a purpose for everything in the Temple. Solomon made sure that everyone’s part was done according to God’s plan. When the Temple was finished, God filled it with His glory and presence!