Leader Guide

Game Craft

  • King's Crown
  • Labels
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Masking tape, one or more rolls
  • Cardstock, one per child plus extras
  • Children’s scissors
  • Four 2-liter plastic bottles filled with water, but smaller classes may use only two bottles and play for the highest individual score
  • Optional: timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

Copy the King's Crown, one per child plus extras. To save time, you may choose to pre-cut the crowns for the children.

Make two copies of the Labels page.

Make one crown to use as a model.

Cut apart the four labels. Tape a label to each bottle.

At one end of the room, place one “Solomon” bottle and one “Adonijah” bottle on the floor, 6 inches apart, with labels visible. Place the second set of bottles several feet away.

First, have the children assemble their crowns, then play the game.

Give a crown pattern and scissors to each child. Make available the tape, crayons, colored pencils, and markers to share. Have children cut out the two sections of their crowns and then color them. Have children write their names on the inside of one of the crown sections (the side not colored). Show the model crown and demonstrate how to tape the crown together.

To save time, you may pre-cut the crowns and give each child two strips of tape to assemble them.

What was the name of Solomon’s brother in our Bible story today? Adonijah.

Did Adonijah follow God’s plan? No.

Why not? He was the older son and tried to make himself king instead of Solomon.

Yes, it is important for us to know and follow God’s plan. Sometimes the part we want to play may not be God’s will. These bottles represent Solomon and Adonijah. Your part is to crown Solomon king by tossing your crown onto his bottle!

Divide the class into two equal teams. Have each team stand about 4 feet from the bottles (adjust as desired). Teams play at the same time. The first players toss their crowns one time to try to “ring” Solomon’s bottle. The players then quickly retrieve their crowns and move to the back of the line. The game should move at a fast pace. Five points are scored for each Solomon “ringer”; subtract five points for an Adonijah “ringer.” One point is scored if a crown touches the Solomon bottle but does not “ring” it. Play for a certain amount of time or allow players a certain number of turns (tossing one crown per turn). The highest team score wins.

Let’s finish this game by saying the SuperTruth together. “I will do my part in God’s plan.”