Leader Guide


  • Name Cards
  • Jesus Sign
  • Paper or plastic cups, one per child plus extras
  • Table
  • Glue sticks
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Pencils, one per child plus extras
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Make copies of the Name Cards; one page per ten children plus extras.

Make one copy of the Jesus Sign.

Cut out the individual name cards and the Jesus Sign.

Tape the sign to one side of the table.

Place the table near one end of the room with the sign visible.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “We are God’s Temple.”

Read 1 Peter 2:4–5a:

4 You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but He was chosen by God for great honor. 5 And you are living stones that God is building into His spiritual temple.

A cornerstone was the most important stone of a building. It was placed at one corner and the rest of the stones were placed next to it. If the cornerstone was not true, or straight, the entire building would be out of line or crooked. If the cornerstone was removed, the entire structure could collapse. Jesus is called a “living cornerstone.” He is our strong foundation, and our faith is built squarely upon Him. What are we called in this passage? Living stones.

God is building us together as living stones into His spiritual temple.

Give each child a cup, name card, and a pencil, plus glue sticks to share. Have them write their names and draw a picture of themselves on the card. Have them apply glue to the back of their cards and stick it to their cups. Demonstrate how to put one hand in the cup as you apply the card so the cup doesn’t break.

Hold up a cup. Your cup represents you—a living stone. Together, we form God’s glorious, spiritual temple, which He fills with His glorious presence! Let’s see how quickly you can build one united temple from your individual stones.     

Count the number of players. Determine the number of cups for the bottom row of the “Temple” to form a pyramid shape or similar shape. See the illustration. Stand at the table and direct players where to place cups to form the desired shape.   

Have players form a single line about 15 feet from the table.

Start the time. The first player will quickly carry a cup to the table and place it in position, and then will quickly return to the team line. The next player then takes a turn. Play until all players have taken a turn and stop the time. Play additional rounds to achieve the fastest time.


  • Call out various ways to travel back and forth: hopping, skipping, tiptoeing, etc.
  • Specify a different shape to build, for example, the first row of cups sit right side up, the second row of cups are set upside down; alternate each row.     

Conclusion: That looked fun! Jesus is the only true foundation to build our Temple on to serve and honor God with our lives. Now let’s find out more about how Solomon’s Temple was a signpost to our Temples built upon Jesus, today!