Leader Guide

Coloring Page

Make one copy of the Temple Coloring Page for each child plus extras.

Give a coloring page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share.

Lead a brief discussion with the information below as children color their pictures.

What does this picture show? The Temple is finished and the people gathered for Solomon to dedicate the Temple.

Solomon dedicated the magnificent building that he built according to God’s plan. This means that Solomon committed the building to God for His purpose and to bring glory and honor to Him. The building was a place of worship and belonged to God.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “We are God’s temple.

Did you know that you can also dedicate your temple to God? Yes, that is what our Discipleship Challenge is all about. When you dedicate yourself to God, you belong to Him!

When we dedicate our bodies—our temples—to God and live according to His Word, it is an act of true worship that is pleasing to God.

Allow children to share their finished pictures with the class if they desire.

Conclusion: Take your pages home as a reminder that we are God’s temple—dedicated to Him!