Leader Guide


Make copies of the Wisdom Bookmark Pattern on cardstock if possible, enough for each child to have a bookmark, plus extras.

Carefully cut out the bookmarks from the pattern sheets.

Let’s close our eyes and try to say the SuperTruth from memory: “I will ask God for wisdom.”

If you were here last time, why did Chris need wisdom? Chris needed wisdom to find the Mag-Sys, his father’s invention, to save the exhibit.

We all need God’s wisdom to follow His ways and to make the right choices and decisions in our lives. Now, let’s find out what this bookmark is all about. Give each child a bookmark, crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers.

Proverbs 4:7a on your bookmark says:

Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!

Did you know that getting wisdom is wise? Now, why do you think our bookmark is in the shape of a number one? It is important, it’s a priority.

Getting wisdom is very important for us. Another Bible version of Proverbs 4:7 (nkjv) says it this way:

Wisdom is the principal thing.

The word “principal” means the most important, main or number one thing.

Have children color in the letters and numbers on their bookmarks.

You may take your bookmark home. It can be a reminder that getting wisdom is the wisest thing we can do. We should make it a priority in our lives to read God’s Word and ask the Holy Spirit to give us understanding and guidance every day!