Leader Guide


Make one copy of each of the two pages of the SuperVerse Cards Pattern on cardstock for each team of up to eleven players.

To make the game more challenging for Grades 4–6, each set includes five extra cards with words that are not in the SuperVerse.

Optional: to make the game less challenging for Grades 1–3, you may wish to remove the extra five cards from each set.

Cut apart the cards, shuffle them all together, then place them in a bag or box.

Write the SuperVerse and Scripture reference on the board. James 3:16:

For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

What does disorder mean? To be out of order, in a state of confusion or chaos.

Does that sound like anything God would be associated with? No!

That’s right! Disorder, jealousy, selfishness, and other evil things all come from the wisdom of the world or the devil!

Read 1 Corinthians 14:33:

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God's holy people.

God brings peace, order and understanding! That is what our game is all about.

Hold up the bag or box. In here are cards that contain the words of our SuperVerse. There are several sets of cards, and they’re all mixed up!

Dramatically dump out all the cards into a heap on the floor. Some cards should be face up and some face down; this adds to the chaos! Wow, this is chaos! This doesn’t represent God according to the verse we read, does it? Your job is to restore order out of this disorder!

Let’s look at the board and say the SuperVerse together: James 3:16:

For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

Good! To add to the challenge, there are five cards with words that are not part of the SuperVerse. You need to watch for these cards; they can cause confusion!

Divide the children into teams of no more than eleven players each. Teams do not need to be even.

Have teams make separate lines several feet from the pile of cards. All teams play at the same time.

When you say “Go,” the first player on each team walks backward to the pile and finds a card that is part of the SuperVerse.

The player then walks back, places the card on the floor beside the team, and goes to the end of the line.

The next player repeats the process.

If a player accidentally brings back an extra card that is not part of the SuperVerse, it should simply be laid aside.

Continue until the SuperVerse is assembled in order with the Scripture reference at the end and the team shouts the verse together. The first team to do this wins!

Conclusion: Great job restoring order! Nothing good comes from jealousy—so let’s learn how to overcome it!