Leader Guide


Make one copy of the Cave Maze Sheet for each child plus extras.

Saul’s jealousy and anger controlled his actions. David was not safe anywhere near Saul even though he had done nothing to disrespect or hurt the king! David had to flee from Gibeah, where Saul lived. He was forced to hide in the wilderness and caves.

Give each child a maze sheet and a pencil.

For this activity, you will find the correct paths from Gibeah to the caves at Adullam and En-gedi for David to hide from Saul.

As children work, lead them in a discussion.

  • Imagine you were David. What might you be feeling as you hide from Saul? Fear, frustration, exhaustion, and anger at times.
  • How would it feel to be anointed as the king, yet have to run for your life? It would be difficult to understand; you would need to completely trust God that He would work things for your good. Frustrating, knowing you are called to do big things for God, yet not able to focus on that.
  • Can anyone share a time when you trusted God even when you didn’t understand what was happening in your life?
  • David’s men encouraged David to take revenge on Saul. Did David listen to his men, or to what God was telling him in his heart? He obeyed God.
  • Can you share a time that you felt pressure from others to do something that you knew wasn’t right in God’s eyes?