Leader Guide


Make one copy of each sign.

Tape Sign 1 on the wall in one corner of the room. Tape Signs 2, 3 and 4 in order in the other three corners of the room, going clockwise.

David had to flee for his life because of Saul’s jealousy and uncontrolled anger. David hid in caves, villages, and in the wilderness. It was in the cave at En-gedi where David chose obedience over revenge and spared Saul’s life. (See 1 Samuel 24:4–7.) David even spared Saul’s life a second time when he crept into Saul’s camp while he was sleeping. (See 1 Samuel 26:5–13.) David put the matter in God’s hands to judge and punish Saul—David would not touch God’s anointed king!

Have an older child or a Sixth Grade helper play Saul. Have “Saul” stand in the center of the room as you explain the game. Have you ever played a game called Four Corners? Our game is very similar. The goal is not to be caught by Saul! Saul will close his eyes and slowly count aloud to 10. As he counts, you will quietly move to the sign of your choice. The signs at each corner of the room are actual places David fled to when he hid from Saul. Now, remember to move very quietly so Saul can’t hear you! When Saul is finished counting, he will keep his eyes closed and say, “I think someone is hiding at sign number …”; and he will say sign number 1, 2, 3, or 4. You never know which number he will say! Everyone hiding by that sign must sit down in the middle of the room near Saul. The game continues until only one player remains. That player successfully escaped from Saul! Let’s play two practice rounds to make sure everyone understands the game. If you’re caught in these first two rounds, you don’t need to sit down.

To shorten the game, once a corner is named, you may announce that it is closed so players may no longer flee there. This limits play to three turns per round, after which there will probably be a group of winners in the fourth corner. You can say that David and his army successfully escaped Saul and won! Children who were “caught” are then free to play in the next round.

Conclusion: That was a lot of fun. Was it hard to be quiet as you moved around?

Even though David was forced to flee for his life, he always chose to obey God rather than take revenge!