Leader Guide

Drawing Game

  • Draw This Card Patterns
  • Cardstock, 2 sheets
  • Scissors
  • Whiteboard and markers or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

Make a copy of the two Draw This Card Patterns.

Cut apart the 16 cards. Place them in a pile face down.

This is the final lesson of “David and Saul.” We are going to play a game to draw things associated with our three lessons about David and Saul. As a player draws, the rest of you may guess aloud. Each artistwill have 30 seconds. If the drawing is not guessed before time expires, another player may take a turn to draw the same card. If time expires again, I will reveal the word/s. After each word, you will have an opportunity to share how the card is associated with the Bible Story.

Select a volunteer to draw, and have the player select a face-down card from the pile.

Give hints or help as necessary, especially for younger children. If the card is too difficult, place the card at the bottom of the pile and allow them to select another card from the pile.

Give the players a moment to think about their word/s and then start the time.
Children guess aloud as the player draws.

Lead a discussion of each card after it is revealed to all.