Leader Guide
Bible Study
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In our lesson today, we have discussed the first four verses of Psalm 23. Let’s dig a little deeper into verse 5. Have children look up Psalm 23:5 and read it aloud.
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
Use these discussion starters to provoke thought and discussion.
What do you think David is saying in the first part of the verse about preparing a feast? Children discuss.
How do you think a shepherd could prepare the pasture or grazing area for his sheep? A shepherd looked for the greenest meadows with a stream nearby. He would survey the land and remove poisonous plants or other hazards that could harm the sheep. He would remove leaves and other debris from the stream so the sheep could drink.
How do you think our Good Shepherd prepares a feast for us?
Jesus went before us, and He experienced and was victorious over every form of temptation, trial and adversity that we would ever face.
What do you think David means by saying, in the presence of my enemies? Children discuss.
As the sheep grazed in the meadow, predators often spied on the sheep from the hills above. They waited for a lamb to wander away from the flock to attack it. The shepherd was always ready to fight off predators and protect His sheep.
How do you think this applies to us today?
Jesus said He must go to heaven after His resurrection so God’s Holy Spirit could come and live inside each believer. This Holy Spirit, sent by our Good Shepherd, is ever watchful and will lead us on a safe path to avoid the enemy.
What tool did we learn about that our Good Shepherd gave us to use for protection? The rod.
What does the rod represent? The Word of God.
Isn’t it exciting and comforting to know that someone goes before us to prepare the way? Our enemy may be prowling around, watching and waiting to devour someone who is unsuspecting or careless. But we have the Good Shepherd on duty 24/7. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “Jesus will guide me and protect me.”