Leader Guide

Serving Game

  • Two dustpans
  • Bag or envelope
  • Sheets of paper—one per four children
  • Two small brooms; or make them with the following materials:
  • Four empty paper towel tubes
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape, masking tape, or shipping tape
  • Two paper plates
  • Marker or pencil

You may use two real brooms, or make them with the materials listed.

Make a cardboard broomstick by crimping one end of a tube, then sliding it about two inches into another tube. Wrap tape around the tubes to connect together. Repeat to make a second broomstick with the other two tubes.

Draw a line across the center of both paper plates.

Cut strips on one side of the plate up to the line—see illustration.

Tape the uncut side of each plate to a broomstick—see illustration.

Cut each sheet of paper into four vertical strips. Place in a bag or envelope.

Raise your hand if you think you can say the SuperTruth with your eyes closed.

Okay, close your eyes. Ready? Go. “I can serve God today.”

Samuel served God by serving Eli in the Tabernacle. In the video, do you remember what Samuel was doing outside the entrance to the Tabernacle? Sweeping.

Is that serving? Yes!

Serving comes in many forms; from the smallest things like sweeping or doing chores, to prophesying or working miracles by God’s power! In this game, we are going to pretend that Eli just had a big meeting with all of the other priests. Now, the floor is dirty and needs to be swept. You are going to serve Eli by sweeping the floor!

Place the dustpans at one end of the room.

Place a line or mark about 15–20 feet from the dustpans.

Give a strip of paper to each child. Have them crumple them into balls and drop them randomly across the floor a few feet from the mark or line.

Divide the children into two equal teams and form separate lines behind the line or mark.

Give a “broom” to the first player on each team.

The first player on each team will use the broom to sweep ONE paper ball into the dust pan, then return to the team and hand the broom to the next player.

The first team to have all of their players sweep and return to the line wins.

Conclusion: There is no job that is too small to be considered serving. When we are obedient and our heartsare right to help God and others, our service is pleasing to Him.