Leader Guide


  • No supplies needed

Near the end of the video, Samuel prayed to God on behalf of the people. This is called intercessory prayer. Do you think God heard Samuel’s prayer? Yes.

How did God respond; what happened? God heard Samuel’s prayer of repentance and God spoke with a mighty voice of thunder from heaven. The noise confused the Philistines. They ran away and were defeated.> See 1 Samuel 7:10.

Yes, God speaks in many ways, and especially through His written Word—the Bible. No matter how God chooses to speak to us, we must listen and obey. This game is about listening and obeying. As Samuel served the Lord, he listened to Eli and obeyed when he was given tasks to do in the Tabernacle. This game is called “Eli Says”—and as you probably guessed, it’s similar to “Simon Says.” You will have a chance to move around and have fun—but you need to listen carefully and only obey an instruction that begins with the words “Eli says.” If you obey an instruction that is not from Eli, you must leave the game for one instruction, then you may come back in to play. Are you ready to listen carefully and obey?

Have children make several rows and leave at least an arm’s length of space between each other. If there is another leader in the room, use them as spotters to send people in and out of the game. Be prepared to help children with special needs or to adjust instructions accordingly. Use the instruction list below; add “Eli says” to any instruction. Repeat instructions with or without “Eli says” to see how well the children are listening. Add your own instructions as desired.

  • Pour a drink of water into a cup.
  • Sweep the Tabernacle floor.
  • Put both hands in the air.
  • Go to sleep standing up.
  • Place both hands on top of your head.
  • Do three jumping jacks.
  • Dust a high corner of the Tabernacle.
  • Stand on one leg.
  • Hop on one leg.
  • Run in place.
  • Fold your hands in prayer.
  • Take two steps to the right.
  • Take two steps to the left.
  • Stretch your left arm out to the side.
  • Drop your left arm down.
  • Scratch your head.
  • Put both hands out to receive a gift.
  • Jump up three times.
  • Hop once on your left foot and twice on your right foot.
  • Touch your feet with both hands.
  • Wave both arms in the air.
  • Shout the SuperTruth.

Conclusion: You did it! You not only listened; you obeyed, too! Samuel listened to Eli and obeyed his instructions. As Samuel grew, he continued to listen to God, obey His instructions, and tell the people what the Lord said. Let’s learn more about listening and obeying in our Bible story.