Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk.

On the board write, “Speak, Your servant is listening."

Have children sit on the floor and leave plenty of space between them.

Last time we met, we prayed that God would cleanse us and reveal things that might keep us from a closer walk with Him. We asked the Holy Spirit to show us anything that might keep us from being a godly example to others.

When you pray, have you ever told God everything you wanted or needed and then immediately said, Amen? I think we all have done that! However, prayer is not only talking to God; it is also listening to Him. So today, we are going to focus on listening to the Lord. We are going to sit in God’s presence and open our hearts to Him. God can speak to us in many ways. One of the most personal ways is when God speaks to our hearts—not in a voice we hear with our ears, but with a still, small voice that we can hear in our spirit.

What did Eli tell Samuel to answer when God called him again? “Speak, Your servant is listening.”

To begin our prayer time today, let’s all say that together: “Speak, Your servant is listening.”

Now let’s listen quietly for anything God may desire to speak to our hearts.

Give children a few moments to pray silently, then close in prayer.

Close in prayer: Dear God, thank You that You can speak to us in many different ways. Help us remember to listen for Your voice in our prayer time and throughout the day—and then to obey. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen.