Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • Permanent Marker
  • Two round balloons plus extras
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Volunteer to assist and keep the time and/or score
  • For larger classes, add two balloons and a timer so four children can play at one time

Blow up the balloons and tie them closed.

Write “LISTEN” and “OBEY” in large letters on separate balloons.

Bat a balloon in the air as you speak. Is it easier to keep one balloon in the air—or two? One.

Attempt to keep two balloons in the air. Yes, it is easier to keep only one of them in the air.

Show “listen” and “obey” on the balloons. It is the same with listening and obeying. It would be much easier to just listen and not obey, wouldn’t it? Yes.

Of course; especially if we are asked to do something difficult, unpleasant, or something that isn’t fun! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will listen to God’s voice and obey Him.”

In this game, partners must keep both balloons in the air for as long as you can. Once either balloon falls to the ground, your time stops.

  • Have the children pair up with partners they don’t know well, if possible.
  • Have each pair pick a name for their team and write it on the board.
  • Have a pair stand facing each other in the middle of the room, a few feet apart.
  • Stand between them, throw both balloons up in the air and start the time.
  • The pair must bat the balloons in the air back and forth or to themselves.
  • Stop and record the time.
  • The team with the longest time wins.
  • Optional: do this at least twice for each team and combine both times for a final score.

Conclusion: It isn’t always easy to listen and obey. Sometimes what we hear isn’t something we want to do, or maybe it will take us out of our comfort zone—which means that we might feel uncomfortable while we obey. Samuel listened to God’s Word and shared it with Eli even though he was uncomfortable doing it. Whatever God asks us to do, it is for our good. The more we obey and prove ourselves faithful, the more we will grow in our walk with the Lord and in His favor.