Leader Guide


  • Mizpah Coloring Page
  • Crayons, washable markers, colored pencils
  • Optional: flat stones, one per child
  • Fast-drying, child-safe glue

Make copies of the Mizpah Coloring Page, one per child plus extras.

When Samuel grew up, he faced a big challenge at Mizpah. What was the challenge? The Philistines were coming to attack the Israelites.

Samuel became Israel’s judge that day at Mizpah. See 1 Samuel 7:6 (nlt, nkjv). This is another important responsibility God gave to Samuel. A judge made decisions and rulings for the people in important matters. Samuel had gained the favor and trust of God’s people because they saw how God’s Spirit was upon him and how he spoke God’s words. When we dedicate our lives to God, and serve Him obediently, God will anoint our lives to do even greater things for Him!

Samuel led the Israelites in a ceremony to repent of their sins and to serve God again. The people put their trust in Samuel to plead to God to save them from the Philistines. As the Philistines arrived to attack the people, God spoke with a mighty voice of thunder from heaven. What happened? The Philistines were confused and ran away. See 1 Samuel 7:5–11.

Let’s read what happened afterward. Read 1 Samuel 7:12:

Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the Lord has helped us!”

Give each child a Mizpah Coloring Page and a stone. Have them color their page and put their name on the back. Then have them glue the stone in the appropriate place on the drawing. If you are not using stones, that area can be colored instead. Allow time for the glue to dry before children take their crafts home.

Conclusion: Your pages look great! Samuel used the rock to remind the people that God helped them that day. You can use your craft as a reminder that—as you dedicate each day to the Lord—He will help you and empower you to do great things for Him!