Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard, chalkboard, or poster board
  • Marker or chalk
  • Eraser

Write the SuperVerse on the board in large letters, leaving space between the words.

What would it be like to suddenly find yourself face to face with the Angel of the Lord?

Gideon must have had many things running through his mind. One minute he was hiding from the soldiers, the next minute he was speaking with God’s messenger! Gideon probably could not begin to grasp what the Angel of the Lord said about being a mighty warrior. He felt very small, helpless and weak. He told the Angel that he was the youngest in his family, and his family was the weakest in their tribe of Israel! No, Gideon did not see himself as a mighty warrior! However, God saw what Gideon could become with God’s help! In the same way, God sees and understands us exactly as we are today, while He also sees what we can become in the future when we trust in Him! 

Have the children sit on the floor, look at the board, and read the SuperVerse aloud together. They should then lower their heads and cover their eyes as you erase two key words of the verse. Have the children look at the board and raise their hands if they can tell you which words you erased. Repeat the process, saying the verse aloud together, erasing two more words each time, until the entire verse is erased and children can say it from memory.

Note: For a variation, change a word or two of the verse to see if the children can identify which words are incorrect, then tell you the correct words to replace them.