Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Israel had disobeyed God’s commands and worshipped idols. Because of this, God had turned them over to their enemies. Instead of enjoying the rich land God had given them, they were now forced to hide in caves and mountains to survive for 7 long years. The Israelites cried out to God for help, and God heard their prayers. He chose Gideon to lead His people into battle against Israel’s enemies. Gideon had probably prayed along with his family and friends for God to rescue them, but he probably never imagined that God would choose him to do such a mighty task!  

God still chooses people today! How would you answer God, if He spoke to you in prayer and said that He has chosen you to do a mighty work for Him? Could you trust Him, even if you feel you are too young, or unimportant, or scared? What would your answer be? Gideon was an unlikely choice to be the leader of Israel’s army, but God does not look at a person’s outward appearance or what someone has to offer—God knows that anyone can do mighty works if they will just trust Him! Are you willing to trust God enough to see what you can become with His help?  

Option 1: Keep the children together for the prayer, allowing some time for them to think and pray about what God may be calling them to do.

Dear God, we thank You that You still choose people to do mighty works for You! Help us trust You when we are weak. Fill us with Your strength, power, wisdom, and might to do what You are calling us to do. Please show us any people we should reach out to with Your love. Allow a few moments of silence so children can pray and listen to God’s voice in their hearts. Show us if You want us to be bold about something at school. Allow time. Show us if there is any way You want us to step out in faith to obey You. Allow time. We pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.

Option 2: Gideon relied on his servant, Purah, for encouragement. Let’s each pair up with a partner for our prayer time today and encourage each other to trust in God! Have children pair up with a partner and find a place in the room to pray with each other. Ask the children to pray for their partners and encourage them to be willing to see themselves as God sees them and to trust God to do mighty things for Him!