Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Wheat Bundle Pattern 
  • Scissors
  • One sheet of cardstock or paper
  • Timer: clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app

Make a copy of the Wheat Bundle Pattern on cardstock or paper.

Cut out the individual wheat bundles. 

Have five volunteers come forward, and give one wheat bundle to each. Have the remaining children cover their eyes while the volunteers hide the wheat stalks around the room. Important:  Volunteers should choose hiding places that are challenging but not impossible to find. Do not place the stalks inside drawers, cabinets, etc.

Next, choose five children to be soldiers to each hunt for and locate one bundle of wheat. Give them one minute to find the wheat. If time expires before all the bundles are located, ask the children who hid the undiscovered bundles to give hints where they can be found. 

Great, now we have all five bundles of wheat! In our Bible story, why was Gideon secretly threshing the wheat? He was hiding from the soldiers so they wouldn’t take it.

Yes, the enemy soldiers would steal or destroy the crops that the Israelites tried to grow for food. Then God did a mighty work through Gideon to defeat the enemy armies that greatly outnumbered the Israelites! It was not Gideon who defeated the armies; it was God working through Gideon, who trusted Him! God used a small army of only 300 men holding jars, horns and torches to defeat thousands and thousands of trained soldiers armed with weapons!

Let’s take a look at other examples of how God has done unusual and mighty works through people who trusted Him.

Give Bibles to five older children who are strong readers or to Sixth Grade helpers. Then, give each one a bundle of wheat with a scripture to look up and read aloud. Lead a brief discussion of each one, and have the children answer the following questions.

After each scripture is read, ask:

  1. Who trusted God?
  2. What unusual item or method did God use to bring victory?

Wheat Bundles Answer Key

1. Judges 15:14–16:  1. Samson, 2. Donkey jawbone.

2. Exodus 17:8–11:  1. Moses, Joshua, 2. Moses’ arms/staff.

3. 2 Chronicles 20:18–24:  1. King Jehoshaphat, 2. Praise and worship.

4. 1 Samuel 17:45–50:  1. David, 2. Sling, stone.

5. Joshua 6:1–5:  1. Joshua, 2. Marching in silence, shouting.

Yes, these people accomplished unusual and amazing victories for God against impossible odds because they trusted Him! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God gives me His strength.”