Leader Guide

Study Game

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Practice the dialogue and motions below so you can smoothly lead the activity.

Read Judges 7:17–18:

Then he said to them, “Keep your eyes on me. When I come to the edge of the camp, do just as I do. As soon as I and those with me blow the rams’ horns, blow your horns, too, all around the entire camp, and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon!’”

After hearing the Midianite soldier’s dream, Gideon was finally convinced that God was going to use him to rescue Israel—but only if they followed God’s instructions exactly. Gideon told his 300 soldiers, “Keep your eyes on me and do just as I do!” Now, I am going to be Gideon and you are in my army. You must watch and listen carefully to know exactly what to do! If “Gideon says” to do something, do it quickly. But if you don’t hear the words “Gideon says,” stay perfectly still—no matter what the command is! 

Have the children stand up and spread out, leaving room for their motions. Stand in front of them and read the commands below. Vary the commands between “Gideon says” and doing the motion, and simply saying the command and NOT doing the motion. You may also repeat some of the commands, adding “Gideon says” if you didn’t say it the first time, or omitting it if you said it previously for that command. If children obey a command that was not preceded by “Gideon says” or if they don’t obey a command that they should have, they must sit out of the game for one or two commands, then they may re-enter.


  • Thresh the wheat.
  • Look surprised to see the Angel of the Lord.
  • Pull down the altar of Baal.
  • Look out for enemy soldiers.
  • Blow your trumpet.
  • Throw your jar on the ground.
  • Pick up your fleece and wring out the dew.
  • Get down on your knees, scoop water from the river, and lap it from your hand like a dog.
  • Hold your torch up high.
  • Shout, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”
  • Quietly sneak in place to the Midianite camp.
  • Stand at attention like a good soldier.
  • March in place to your position around the enemy camp.
  • Be a Midianite who is scared of Gideon’s army, and run around in little circles.
  • Worship God on your knees and thank Him for the victory!