Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Chalkboard and chalk; or whiteboard and marker to write the SuperVerse  

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Isaiah 12:2:

“See, God has come to save me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.”

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote the book of the Bible where our SuperVerse is found. This verse is actually a song written to thank God for saving His people and delivering them from their enemies, giving them victory. Let’s say it really loud together again. Isaiah 12:2:

“See, God has come to save me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.”

Now I will read the verse to you and stop at certain places—then you shout the next word of the verse. Do the first round with the children facing the board. Read the verse aloud and stop before words such as “save,” “trust,” or “victory.” For subsequent rounds, have the children turn around with their backs to the board, and leave out different words of the verse for them to fill in without peeking. Play as long as time allows.